Part 3

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Kim used their first tutoring session to help Chay compose his first song while snooping through his omega's phone, and he never felt so dirty and underhanded in his entire life. The more time spent with the little omega the more he felt like every deception was a cardinal sin for which the would be no absolution. Walking back into the room to find Chay sitting next to the piano humming softly through a tune on the guitar, he felt a frisson of need shiver up his spine, but it wasn't a sexual desire. He felt the overwhelming desire to press his face to Chay's neck, to breathe in his scent, finally let himself come home.

"How is the song coming?" He asked causing his little Doe Eyes to jump in surprise.

"It's going okay," Chay replied. Kim thought back to what they had talked about before taking his phone and slipping out of the room.

"What's your brother's name?"


"What's he like?"

"He's a cool guy. He loves me, a lot. He's good at everything. I wanna be like him. He's strong—"

Kim observed everything Chay said looking for signs of deception and found nothing. Just as he already knew, Porsche was no threat. He hadn't needed this little bit of subterfuge at all. In fact, if he were honest this whole endeavor was less about gaining intel on Porsche and more about spending time with Chay.

"I think that's enough—"

When his mind slipped back to the present he was captivated by his omega's soft voice as he played. The lyrics of his song were so filled with conviction and love for his brother and Kim wondered not for the first time in the last two months what it would be like if Chay's love were directed at him.

"Your homework is going to be to finish this song. I want to hear it when you're done," Kim told him.

"Anything for you, P'Kim."

—One Week Later—

Chay is stretched out asleep on the couch in his living room when his phone rings one afternoon a week after his tutoring session with Kim. He hadn't even noticed how ravenous his appetite had been the last two days or why out of nowhere he was so tired that he couldn't keep his eyes open on a Sunday when he usually never felt the need to nap. But, there he was blissfully unaware of what was shaping up to be his next heat when his phone rang.

The sound of Kim's ringtone pulled him out of his slumber,

"Hello, P'Kim."

"I know we have tutoring next week, but can we move it today?"

Not connecting the state of his body or house to what Kim said, he readily agreed, "Oh yes, of course! Would you like me to meet you at the studio?" He asked.

"The studio isn't available today, how about your house?"

Chay looked around at the state of his living room, when had all these snack bags made there way in here? He didn't even remember eating them. That triggered something immediately, When do I forget that I'm eating! When I'm going into heat. I've been like this for two fucking days, Porchay thought, I will start my heat anytime now. Oh shit!

"My place? Er—it's not very convenient. The thing is—my place , the power has been cut. Oh. Mmm—but I'm infant of your place now. I'll come help you fix it."

Chay looked out the window and standing in front of his gate dressed like a wet dream was his dream alpha, P'Kim. As he led him inside, Chay couldn't help but apologize for the state of his home, and hoped that his scent blockers were still working since he hadn't had time to reapply when he saw Kim outside.

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