Part 4

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That night, Kim decided to bring Chay back to his condo in the city. The little omega snuggled comfortably against him as he drove through the sleepy city streets and he couldn't help the sense of contentment radiating through him the entire time. It was like something snapped perfectly into place and he couldn't resist the urge to stroke his hand down the boy's side and pull him closer against his body. As he did, Kim began to notice that Chay's scent blockers were starting to wear off even more giving him a whiff of the omega's natural scent which just did things to his senses. At the same time, however, something else tickled his nose. There was something different in Chay's scent that Kim couldn't put his finger on. It was almost as if Chay's vanilla scent had taken on subtle notes of bourbon like some expensive whisky in his father's collection. Did Chay always smell like this? He wondered. The simple answer was that Kim hadn't been exposed to him in so longer he was afraid he might have been forgetting the sweet nuances of his little omega.

Chay squirmed against him, "P'Kim, I don't feel very well, could you stop the car, please?"

Pulling over quickly, Kim jumped out and ran around to his omega's side of the car. Chay was out vomiting into the street before Kim's hand could reach the door handle. He was completely out of his element watching Chay get sick in the street. Standing nervously at his side, Kim waited for Chay to finish before reaching into the back of the car and grabbing a bottle of water. He handed it over wordlessly and waited for his omega to swish the water in his mouth and spit delicately into the gutter at his feet.

"I'm so sorry, P'Kim," Chay confessed in embarrassment. "I think all the stress has been getting to me."

Kim pulled him close and ran a soothing hand through Chay's hair and down his neck over his mating gland. This gesture sent shivers through Chay's body as he pressed himself close to Kim.

"No more stress," Kim whispered against his forehead, "I'm here now; I'm not leaving again."

As Kim shifted Chay back toward the car he was surprised to turn and see several men move slowly out from he shadows of the side street toward the car. He had not anticipated stopping and did not have any of his body guards leaving both he and Chay vulnerable. Reaching behind his back into the waistband of his jeans, Kim pulls out a nine millimeter that surprises Chay for a moment.

"Baby, get in the car and lock the door," Kim murmurs, but his voice is full of alpha authority.


"Now." He is fully alpha now and Chay obeys instantly.

Gone from his face is the cute musician and doting alpha that Chay loves and in its place is Kimhan Theerapanyakul and he is terrifying. The alpha rolls his shoulders back and his free hand pushes the mop of hair from his handsome face so the thugs moving toward his car get a full view of who they are about to mess with. As he pushes his hair back the street lights glint off the ring resting on the middle finger of his right hand. The Theerapanyakul crest shimmers as it catches the light.

"I will give you one chance to back away," he tells them his voice frigid and commanding, "The first family does not take kindly to cheap thugs who do not know their place."

"Who the hell are you to tell us what to do?" The larger of the four asks, he hand tightening on the rather crudely modified bat in his hand.

With an air of pure superiority and deadly indifference, Kim answers him by racking a round into the chamber of the gun, "Kimhan Theerapanyakul, third son of the first family. I'm sure you've heard all about me?"

Three out of the four dropped their weapons instantly, backing slowly away toward the side street they came out from.

"Why the hell do you think that gives you some kind of authority out here, pretty boy?" The big one asked, "You're alone. Do you really think that sweet little omega is going to be able to back you?"

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