Part 7

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The house is on high alert as Kim stomps down the stairs heading for the entrance hall. He is the picture of his upbringing, dressed from head to toe in black, a pair of shoulder holsters in gleaming black leather strapped to him, and an air about him that said death to anyone who got in his way. Yes, Kimhan was on a mission to retrieve his omega and nothing was going to get in his way.

"Arm, Pol," Kim snapped, "Send a team to Chay's residence. Big, take a team to the last know residence of Arthee his uncle. Ken, you are going to follow up at Yok's bar." Then without out an ounce of temperament left he shouted in the atrium of their home stopping everyone coming and going, "Find. My. Mate, Now!"

Across town, Chay had managed to slip into his bedroom to collect everything he would need to sneak away undetected by even his brother. Ever since he could remember, Chay had seen the kind of people coming and going from his family home and knew that his uncle and sometimes even his alpha brother were involved in things of an unsavory nature. For that very reason, the omega had been preparing to be able to disappear at a moment's notice. Collecting everything he had stashed around the room, Chay quickly assembled his go bag before sitting down at his desk and writing a letter for Porsche and one for Kim as well.


I know that you are going to worry about me, but I promise that I will be perfectly safe. I am not going to be gone for long, but I need time to think about what I should do next. You probably think that I am throwing my life away by getting pregnant so young, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Since the moment I realized I was pregnant, I knew that this was what I was meant to do—I can't explain why I know—but I am completely certain that my destiny lies in raising this baby even if Kim does't want her. I hope that my absence will be enough to make Kim realize that he does love me even if he isn't ready to claim our baby. He has already left me alone twice even though he knew we belonged to each other, I need to be sure that he is willing to take responsibility not just in name, but in affection. I want to raise this baby in a family with both parents who love each other with the kind of devotion our parents had. This may seem completely unconventional, but I have to do this.



The second letter that Chay penned was to Kim and he cried as he wrote it.

My Alpha,

I know you must be worried and angry, and for that I am sorry. I must tell you that I have loved you since I heard your voice when I was thirteen years old. You had just debuted with your first single on Youtube and something in your voice resonated within me in a way that I still cannot explain to this very moment. From that day forward I scoured the internet for anything there was to know about you. I followed all of your press and committed every thing you composed to memory. You songs became like my pulse, the very reason for my beating heart was hearing your voice. You cannot begin to fathom how I felt when you approached me that night in the club. It's almost as if my soul knew in that moment that you were my alpha. Then to be separated from you and think it had been only a dream nearly broke me. I even planned to attend your university with the hope that you would see me and remember. Imagine my surprise when you finally agreed to be my tutor, and later took me through my heat. I never fell so safe and loved until those days with you, and still you left me behind. Twice I experienced heaven only to be plunge back into the hell of my loneliness.

Because I have experienced such joy and devastation at your fingertips, you must understand my hesitancy now when the stakes are far greater than my own heart. We made a life, Kim. A brand new human being, the perfect blending of us both, now exists in my body. I have to do everything in my power to preserve her right to be born into this world despite how scary it might be. For her to have a happy life, I need to know that you won't abandon us just because things seem difficult or inconvenient. Right now, I am not sure that is the case. Until I know that I can trust you, I need to leave and take some time for myself. Please wait for me. I know you might not love me yet, but my feelings have not changed. While I used to believe that all of my heart belonged to you, I now know that isn't possible because half of my heart now belongs to our baby.

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