Part 6

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When Kim came to it was to his brother Kinn leaning over him, eyes filled with concern while Porsche paced back and forth in the room ranting and raving in frustration. The room which had been neat and well put together fifteen minutes early was a complete wreck. Cushions were torn in half, the stack of Kinn's favorite coffee table books were flung across the cream carpet, and Porsche was fairly vibrating in anger.

"Eighteen fucking years old!" Porsche shouted, "He's pregnant at eighteen fucking years old, Kinn. Your bastard brother stole his future!"

Kim's eyes fluttered open as Kinn replied to his lover, "This is not the end of Porchay's future, my love," he murmured while helping his little brother sit up, "Your brother will still have whatever future he desires. This family is not so incapable of taking care of children as you might think."

Turning to look at Porsche, Kim slid from the couch onto the floor and prostrated himself before the older alpha is a show of contrition that made Porsche stop short and stare.

"Khun Porsche," Kim began his voice and words the very measure humility in the face of these new developments, "Please forgive me if you believe that I have dishonored your brother. It was never my intention to do so. From the moment I met Chay, I have only wanted to protect him."

Porsche snorted derisively, "If that were the case, you wouldn't have gotten Chay pregnant. How is that protecting him?"

"Neither Chay nor I anticipated his heat coming so quickly, and I admit that I assumed too much believing that he would be on birth control medications. I will admit that this presumption comes from the fact that all Theerapanyakul omegas are prescribed them prior to their first heat. I didn't consider that you would choose otherwise as his alpha. But, you must know that I have only ever wanted what was best for him. That's why I left initially—to spare him from this life."

"If that's true, why didn't you stay away?" Porsche snarls.

Kim takes and deep breath, not wanting to explain something so personal, "The doctors said that during his heat when he was drugged that we were imprinted. Chay's body was rejecting his heat as if his omega was in conflict and he could have died. I helped him through that heat, but I swear our bodies did not touch more than absolutely necessary. I used my scent to calm him so that he could see to his needs on his own. When he could no longer do so, I helped him use the heat toys only. I didn't want to steal his consent from him, but I couldn't let him die."

Both Kinn and Porsche stared at Kim with astonishment. How many alphas could resist an imprinted omega? Even Kinn doesn't know that he could do it and he loves his alpha boyfriend desperately. The very thought that his little alpha brother had so much self-control and love for the little omega gave Kinn hope for their future. He reached over and grasped Porsche's hand in his own and stopped him from pacing, squeezing his lover's hand encouragingly.

"When Chay's next heat came, he gave his consent, and I stayed with him," Kim explained, "But, I thought that it would be best to leave him after hoping that if there was even the slightest chance that he could move on I would be able to make sure he didn't get pulled into our life."

Porsche scoffed, "what about the almighty imprint then? If it was so important why would you try to leave my brother knowing that it could hurt him?"

"I never thought that his imprint would be so strong. I read that imprints can be broken in the younger omegas if they can find someone new." Even as he said that, the thought of Chay with someone else made him equal parts sick and furious.

Kinn scoffed, "You really thought you could allow your omega to be with someone else?" Kim's mind was instantly transported to the kitchen of Chay's house where he had prepared food for his exhausted little omega after hours of the most incredible sex of his life and he was almost feral thinking of anyone else standing there in his place. Imagining Chay cradling a beautiful new baby while Kim sings to them on the swing set outside convinces him even more of the most vital truth in his life. Chay is mine, he can belong to no one else, he thought.

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