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 Out in the hall, Korn could hear Big and Ken argue affectionately over something while Chan insisted that they were not needed while Kuhn Korn visited with his grandchildren. He smiled knowingly as he listened to Big argue back to Chan insisting that he didn't know what Chan was talking about and that NO he and Ken did not need time off. When would those two realize their relationship was the worst kept secret in the entire compound.

"Grandpa," Venice asked from his seat at the foot of Kuhn Korn's full-size hospital bed, "Are you okay?"

Korn looked around at the children scattered in his room—Honey and Milan were playing some board game on the floor with Mangkorn and Duen; Paris and London (the little boy and little girl were affectionately known as the twin terrors by most of the family and several guards) were sleeping on a mat near the window since Pete was on an important call, Sky Kim and Chay's younger daughter was playing on her tablet, and Macau was in the rocking chair nursing his and Nam's daughter Kanom without a care in the world. Yes, Korn thought as he breathed deeply one final time before answering his grandson, "Everything is perfect."

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