Part 11

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 Khun Kan was sitting in his brother's office in the as he stared down over the contract in front of him with a mixture of shock and fury.

"You want me to establish a branch in Singapore?" Kan snarled as he gripped the paperwork furiously almost as if he wanted shake his fist at Korn to voice his displeasure. "You want to keep my sons here and effectively deport me from this family, is that it?"

Korn starred across the wide expanse of his desk at his brother and simple allowed his alpha presence to fill the room. The strength of his alpha pheromones were such that many other lower alphas, his brother included, had a hard time resisting his authority. Kan shift uncomfortably in his leather seat and his glared at Korn almost helplessly.

"You have been abusing your authority with regards to my nephews," Korn began, "It is time to allow Vegas to assume his role in the second family."

Kan laughed, the sound was cynical and almost cruel, "Why not send Vegas to Singapore then? If it's time for his role to expand in this family."

"Why would I send my nephew, who has just taken on more responsibility that he ever has before hours away to a foreign country with a brand new mate, just as Macau has attached himself to the older omega. What good would it do for the boys, Kan?" Korn, although he sounded contemplative in his words, was anything but. Even as he spoke it was with an air of finality that he would be obeyed without question whether Kan liked it or not.

"Who gives a damn about Vegas taking a mate," Kan snarled, "I don't recall giving my permission to my son to take an omega. Nor do I recall allowing Macau to associate with omegas outside my household."

Korn sat back in his seat as he listened to his brother rant, eyes narrowing at the foolishness pouring from his younger alpha brother. "Be that as it may, your sons need stability right now. Vegas has proven that he can be a trusted member of this family and an asset to our businesses. Macau is an omega who just experienced his first heat less than two months ago, Right now their needs supersede your wants, Kan. Besides, it is more than obvious that you resent your place here. Why not establish a branch of our family somewhere that will allow you the power and recognition that you feel you so rightly deserve?" The almost unfeeling way in which Korn spoke to Kan would have made lesser alphas excuse themselves and run, but not Kan.

"And just how long do you plan to give me to make the move to Singapore before I am cut off from the family?" Kan asked. He was unable to keep the spite and vitriol from his voice even if he wanted to, and Korn simply watched him dispassionately.

"I would imagine a month or two would suffice, particularly since I hear that your newest omega is quite late in her pregnancy if I'm not mistaken."

Kan bared his teeth at Korn in frustration. He was always three or four steps behind his brother and the younger alpha hated it. He had not forgotten about Prim particularly since he was hoping for an alpha son this time who could potentially replace Vegas as his heir. Nevertheless, he hated that Korn always seemed to know what his plans were before he could make a step forward. Letting his eyes sweep around the room, he couldn't help the desire to grab one of the heavy old sculptures sitting here and there to lob at Korn's head. Even after so many years he couldn't squash the sense that he would never defeat his brother.

"Please," Korn finally said, snapping Kan out of his musings, "take your time settling affairs here. Vegas and Macau can stay here until you have done everything that you need and are prepared for the handover. I will have Chan look into suitable properties for you to choose from and we can make purchases going forward. I want you to feel satisfied with your situation as you take on such a monumental task for the Theerapanyakul name. You can also feel free to take any staff with you that you feel is essential to your success, Kan. Vegas will be choosing his own staff as well going forward I'm sure."

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