Part 9

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Kim bursts into Chay's room panting as if he had just finished a marathon. His first glimpse of his mate is the little omega lying almost listlessly in the starched white sheets of the hospital room and he immediately springs into action.

"Big, call our private facility, have transportation arranged now. I want my mate seen by our people without further delay," Kim barked out orders like the mafia prince he was always trying to hide. "Ken, call Porsche have him waiting with my brothers when get there. Chay will need his closest family alpha nearby."

Both betas jumped into action working seamlessly as they always did, and if they were perhaps a little closer and if they appeared to be more tactile neither of them even seemed to notice the shift in their behavior. Kim on the other hand was focused solely on the sight of his beautiful love, pale, thinner than he had ever seen him and showing signs of obvious distress.

"Chay," Kim whispered as he kicked off his boots and crawled onto the bed to pull his omega against him to try and maintain as much physical contact as possible, "Doe-eyes, can you hear me?"

The little omega whined and pressed his face into Kim's neck bringing him closer still which pressed the gentle swell of his belly against his alpha startling the older boy into reality once more. With a shaking hand, Kim slid down to cup the swell of Chay's belly where their baby rested and the alpha's whole world narrowed to the life Chay was nurturing. There was no telling how much time passed before EMT's were let into the room to prepare Chay for transport, and it took everything within Kim to relinquish his hold on the omega long enough for him to be moved into an ambulance and moved to the family wing of the most prestigious hospital in Bangkok. The entire ride over, Kim was nearly plastered to Chay's side, scenting him and stroking his hair, rubbing away the little wrinkles on his forehead and pressing his face into Chay's neck to breath in the beautifully alluring smell of his pregnant mate.

When Chay was finally placed in a large bed in the Theerapanyakul's private suite of rooms, Kim breathed a sigh of relief that lasted all of five minutes before Porsche and Kinn came barging into the room with Thankuhn, Arm, Pol, and Kuhn's newest guard Leo.

"What's wrong with my brother?" Porsche asked frantically as his eyes searched the room for a doctor.

Kim sighed from where he sat propped up by several white pillows with Chay curled up against him, head resting in his lap. Placing a smooth palm over Chay's ear to lessen the noise he felt for certain was on the horizon given their guests, he directed Porsche with his sharp gaze to the chart laying on a rolling cart next to the door.

"The doctor was just in before you got here. Chay is suffering from bond sickness which was made infinitely worse by his pregnancy," Kim explained, "Consider how crazy Vegas was acting before Pete got back, it's the same kind of thing."

Kinn looked slightly confused at his brother's answer, "But Pete was nearly as bad off as this," he pointed out with a way of his hand to indicate how out of it Chay still was.

A nurse piped up from behind him to answer, "I guessing you are referring to Kuhn Vegas mate who was in the morning for a check-up. He is too early in his pregnancy for that to be a factor. The risk increases with the baby's development. Your baby is forming a bond with her mother in the first two months of pregnancy, but as her body continues to develop she will also instinctively reach out to bond with her sire recognizing the alpha and seeking connect. Think of how a baby can recognize the voice of a parent not long after birth if they have spent time talking to and connecting with the baby during the pregnancy. Porchay's body was in turmoil because his baby was seeking her alpha and could reach him. In turn, Porchay's omega became increasingly more distress because it could not meet the baby's needs." This explanation served to quiet the others, but only managed to force Kim to pull Chay closer and move his hand over the mating gland of Chay's neck possessively.

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