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Sarutobi Compound

''Naruto-kun, why do you wish to learn wind jutsus at such a young age?'' The Sandaime Hokage asked, looking straight at the blond, who was lying on the ground at the training area within his clan's compound. He usually took some time to teach the boy a few things when he could.

He was surprised when Naruto suddenly asked to be trained in using wind jutsus. He hadn't expected the blond to demand to armor himself with everything he could hold at this stage. Yes, he did understand that the blond's desire to protect his mother was greater than anything, but at this stage, he wished for Naruto to live a bit more normally, despite the circumstances that surrounded him. He believed that it was not impossible for Naruto to gain friends and live a happy childhood. It was possible. Naruto just wasn't sold on the idea of exploring the possibilities.

Perhaps he should have barred young Itachi from showing Naruto his chakra nature. He'd allowed it to happen because he believed it would quiet the blond a bit, but that turned out to have the opposite effect. The blond's chakra coils had developed far earlier than most children. It perhaps had to do with his Jinchuriki status - and as the blond was willing to train, it wasn't 'wrong' to teach him about chakra.

''I want to be strong, jiji,'' Naruto said, staring at the clear sky. He had to be strong, for his mother.

Hiruzen sighed, looking at Naruto. Sometimes the blond did wear him out. ''Yes, I know that. Wind manipulation isn't the easiest thing you can do at your age Naruto. Learning to control wind chakra takes years of training and hard work.'' He could remember his own days, staring at a waterfall while trying to cut it. It didn't actually take years to learn the manipulation of wind chakra - it depended on the capacity of the executors mind to learn. Controlling pure wind was the most difficult.

'Then isn't it only right that I start now if it takes so many years to learn? If I start now, by the time I reach a more mature age, I will be able to manipulate the element,'' Naruto reasoned with the Third.

He shouldn't have said that, but he did know how to handle this child. ''Yes, that would be the most reasonable option,'' he said, not wanting to deny a straight up fact. ''However, that is the kind of thing that Root Anbu learn at your age, and I don't want to treat you in the same manner. I don't want you to have the same mentality as Root Anbu and endure the same harsh training Danzo gives them."

''I really appreciate that, jiji,'' Naruto said quietly. ''You have really treated me well over the years. I don't think I can even imagine you teaching me how to become an emotionless robot like Danzo does with his Root,'' a rare small smile appeared on his face when those words left his mouth. He could always count on the Sandaime to treat him well aside from his mother.

This is what it meant being the son of a former Hokage: privileged to know more about the inner workings of the village. Minato had lots of things inside his office, secrets and everything. All of which were not hidden from him by his mother. She didn't seem to mind him making himself comfortable in his father's study, even when she knew he was reading some things he shouldn't. She just didn't allow him anywhere near those kind of S-rank secrets. What Danzo was and did wasn't something that could be classified as S-rank.

The Third chuckled lightly, ''Well, I wouldn't be living with the 'Will of Fire' in me if I went to the extreme. Besides, Kushina-chan would kill me.''

Naruto smiled, ''Yes, yes, she would.'' he said. ''Mother can be overprotective sometimes,'' not that he was complaining about it. He wouldn't have it any other way.

''Aren't you like her in that regard, Naruto-kun?'' the Hokage asked, slightly amused by the thought of how both mother and son were overprotective of each other, even so, the fact that Naruto never seemed to notice that he was overprotective of his mother. Well, he was still just a seven year old, regardless of how smart he was.

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