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Naruto had been rushing through the forest for a few minutes, with his body covered with the Kyubi's chakra and a single tail visible behind him. He was using the power of the Bijuu to sense Shukaku's location. The Bijuu within him had said that he could just do it himself by using the chakra. Of course Naruto hadn't questioned the Bijuu on the idea; he had simply been too focused on getting those traitors.

When he finally caught up to the Sand siblings, the blond crashed landed into the ground and the chakra that had been around him dispersed. He looked at the three with a dangerous look as he took out his sword, and immediately sharpened it with wind chakra.

Kurama was truly impressed with Naruto - not that he was infuriated at Suna's betrayal and or that he was ready to take on three genins on his own, who were surely powerful. But it was the fact that despite his anger, he hadn't allowed his chakra to influence him. Kurama had suggested he use his chakra because he was sure the hatred coupled with the blond's anger would force the blond to draw out more chakra and possibly give him some freedom, but there had been nothing.

The blond remained 'pure' in his anger.

'I'm truly impressed that you can control yourself in this state. Even the kindest person would have been influenced by my chakra, but you have held firm,' Kurama said to his host. 'How you control your anger is remarkable for a human.'

"Do not compare me to the humans you have dealt with, Kyubi,' Naruto responded in a calm tone. "My anger is too much for this world. If I do not contain it, this land around me would change its form and it would not stop destroying until there is nothing left in me..." The blond was speaking through his mouth that the Sand siblings heard him.

"Naruto," Temari was the first to speak. She looked a bit fearful, but she braced herself to speak once more. "Please let us explain what happened..." she begged.

"There is nothing to explain," Naruto responded in a dangerous tone.

"We will not fight you Naruto!"

"That is fine by me," Naruto said taking a few steps towards the Sand siblings. He suddenly disappeared from his position and flashed in front of Temari. As he raised his right foot, the blonde didn't attempt to dodge, she merely stood still. Kankuro didn't have time to defend his sister with his puppet, and instead, jumped in front of her, and took the kick that slammed into his left shoulder.

"Maybe you guys don't want to fight, but I can't just watch you being attacked for no reason at all," Kankuro said through gritted teeth. He tried to unwrap his puppet, but Gaara grabbed his right hand.

"Stop it," Gaara stated in a firm tone. It was one of those no nonsense tone. "Naruto, at least give us a chance to explain. You can do whatever you want thereafter, but no matter what, we wish you no harm and we will not fight back."

He understood that the blond was angry, but they didn't know anything. Perhaps Sunagakure as at fault for allowing itself to being deceived by Orochimaru, but they could not be blamed for something they didn't know about. They had not betrayed Naruto, and he wanted to get that message through.

Naruto had seemed like someone who could be reasoned with before.

Naruto tilted his head to the side - he was still for a second with Gaara still holding Kankuro's hand. In a split second, Naruto stabbed his sword through Kankuro's right shoulder. The sword pierced through, causing the genin to yelp in pain while cursing Naruto.

"Why do you not wish to fight? Why is there that look on your eyes that doesn't spell regret? When people do things like this, they either show remorse or are just cold about it, but I have known you two, you're not cold hearted. Why?"

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