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Team 7 returning from a successful A-rank mission," Kakashi reported to the Sandaime Hokage as his team walked into the office of the Hokage.

The Sandaime smiled at the team, "A third one," he said. It was their third successful A-rank mission. After the success of their first mission, he had thought it was okay to give them hard challenges. Kakashi had after all praised their teamwork.

The Hokage knew first hand that Naruto was a remarkable shinobi and with his mind pulling the strings behind, he knew unless they were faced by an immovable object, they would always succeed. Some people were against his decisions, but the Sandaime Hokage didn't really care about what people were saying. Everyone had their own thoughts about certain things.

Even if it was members of his own council making the noise, He was the Hokage and thus the commander of Konoha's military power. He could move his pieces as he saw fit.

"Your team has bettered all other teams," Sarutobi said to Kakashi. "And I have really become surprised that you have decided to take your duties as sensei a bit seriously," the old man added.

While putting Kakashi in charge of Team seven he had thought of the possibilities of Kakashi slacking off from his work, but he had not minded. Naruto wasn't the one to slack off and since the blond was already training Sasuke, he would have to take Hinata in as well. He had accounted for things for things to get well even with that.

Hinata was improving and he was really happy with it. Of course her clan didn't know about it, and the Sandaime wasn't going to burst Hiashi's little bubble. No, he would leave things for Naruto. He was sure the blond was working some scheme. He didn't mind at all. It was working within his agenda after all.

Sasuke was growing steadily and that had brought the elders to barge into his office to demand that special care be given to the boy when it became known that he had awakened the Sharingan. As the only Uchiha in the village using the Sharingan, that was really big news, but the Sandaime was content with how things were proceeding and so he had shot down the thought.

"Well I am blessed with some remarkable genins," Kakashi said a bit lazily, but still had an eye smile.

The Sandaime nodded, "Indeed," he said. "Well I think the only team that could match yours is Gai's team. They have some capable genins with them and his team is a year older than yours... I believe they have your cousin, Hinata. He graduated on top of his class and is hailed as a prodigy of the Hyuga clan, despite being from the branch family."

Naruto didn't fail to notice how Hinata reacted when the Sandaime spoke. It was always something when the Hyuga clan was involved. The girl could never really muster the courage to speak out. Well, Naruto had never really ventured into that area. He was really waiting for the right time to work things out.

For things to work out for him, Hinata had to regain her title as clan heiress. Yes, that would suit him best. He needed the Hyuga's political power.

It was also something else knowing that someone from the branch family was a prodigy and not from the main family. The slave was the best, better than the master. How ironic and amusing at the same time. Naruto figured the Hyuga's had had a hard time dealing with it. He was certain whoever this Hyuga was; he held some resentment towards the main family.

He didn't have much use for that, but those holding much anger in them could be swayed easily. Naruto wasn't going to go that path. Hinata could kill all the birds if he played his cards right. Nothing extreme had to be done on his part.

"Please don't mention that to him," Kakashi more or less begged the Sandaime Hokage. "Ever since he started hearing about this team, he has been requesting a challenge to see which team is better. Of course I have always refused, but if he hears if from you, he will force the issue."

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