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The Hidden Leaf once more again; Naruto did not feel anything when seeing the village. There wasn't a sense of happiness, a sense of calmness or just relief that they had made it after a long slow distance of travelling from the other nations that were not in the Elemental Nations.

The same could not be said about the two on his right hand - both his mother and Yugao appeared overjoyed about finally returning to what they termed as home. Well it can be called home because this is where they lived.

Sasuke had nothing on his expression to say he was happy to be back. Perhaps the events of the past years had been much more important to him than anything. Naruto could say his mother was also important. He could, but he would not. It wasn't his problem, he didn't have butt in on personal things.

Kushina breathed in the air from the Hokage Monument and smiled in content with her eyes closed. She was finally back home, after three long years in the wilderness. There had been no one she knew, just her little group along with Itachi for the first two years.

Missing home aside, the time away had been nice - they had created something of a small family. Every night they ate dinner together; it had been a rule she had enforced. She would have been willing to drag everyone else towards the dining room if they chose not to obey - with Itachi included.

"It really feels nice to be back home," Kushina said with a smile. "It doesn't appear to have changed though..." she had thought maybe there would have been changes, but there was nothing. It wasn't a bad thing either way.

"It really feels good," Yugao agreed. "I wonder what will be waiting for us now... but right now, I just want to go and see my friends. It has been so long since I last saw them. Since I am not a kunoichi now, I don't have to report to the Hokage. I'll see you guys later..."

She was still going to follow them around? No, Sasuke shook his head. She was merely going to be with Naruto's mother. He doubted she would even think of going back to where she once lived. She had a forged a good relationship with the Uzumaki, it was reasonable to assume that she would wish to live with them.

It was just a thought, one that didn't reflect on the expressionless mask on his face.

"Make sure you do come later, we have to talk about living arrangements," Kushina said to Yugao. The former Anbu nodded before disappearing into thin air.

Naruto didn't even want to think about where this was going. Right now, he just wanted to rest. It was still early morning; he could still see the day later on; there was nothing that he was going to miss anyway.

"Let us go the Hokage tower and report of our return before anymore plans come," Naruto said. It was best to do so. He didn't want to have to scare Anbu away in their attempts to force him towards the presence of the leader.

"You're awfully observant of rules when it is convenient," Sasuke commented idly. Naruto didn't care about rules, he worked things his way. However, when it was convenient, he went all his way to follow them.

"Rules have a time for application. If it doesn't work for me, I won't have to follow it," Naruto said with a shrug.

Sasuke merely shook his head. His expressionless face returned to full force as he spoke once more again. "Let us walk there," the Uchiha said forcefully. "I want to see how they react in our presence; I want to see if this village is really worth everything that my brother gave for it."

"You can do as you like, bu-" Naruto was cut off by his mother.

"Do something for Sasuke for once, Naruto. He has always done everything you say and if it were you asking, you would have forced him to follow. Be fair," Kushina said sternly.

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