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The world was a funny place. Today you were revered as a hero and tomorrow the very same people spoke your name as if it were a curse; the same people who sang praises to you in their dreams now wished for the worst to happen to you.

Naruto was almost amused by the situation in Konoha. The beloved Uchiha Itachi, a prodigy, the light of the famed clan - which had become an object of resentment from the hating minds of Konoha's villagers - had become one of the villagers traitorous. Or so their ignorance led them to call him.

Uchiha Itachi was now being spoken in the same sentence as that amoral Orochimaru. When they sent curses to the snake, they sent some to Itachi. He had betrayed them and turned inti a diabolical power hungry monster who would slaughter his own clansmen.

At least that is what Konoha believed.

It was ironic that the so called light turned out to the dark side, as the villagers now believed. Itachi was supposed to be the savior of the Uchiha. Hell some were even tipping him for the mantle of Hokage once he grew old enough.

Those dreams were crushed in just one night of bloodshed...

The ridiculous thing that had amused Naruto was a reaction from Konoha's people to the tragedy that had fallen to the Uchiha clan.

They cried for the Uchiha as if they had been on laughing terms with them. Uchiha Itachi was hated . They despised him for killing members of the Uchiha clan. They spoke so many curses about his name, and it had yet to be 24 hours after the killings took place. It was only the afternoon, with the villagers having discovered the tragedy early in the morning.

Naruto had heard many people saying so many things. It made him laugh. In the inside of course. Stones would be throne at him if he suddenly started to laugh at this situation. A number of the Uchiha clan members had been murdered in cold blood. There was nothing funny about that. Yes, there was indeed nothing funny about it.

Naruto may not care, but it wasn't funny. It was sad really. Yet, he could not sympathize with them.

The second the situation was highly amusing. It wasn't the killings themselves that were amusing. He had yet to lose himself, or pass the barrier of insanity to be laughing at the deaths of other people. Yes, he may not care, he may not have offered nay sympathies, but he was still a person.

What amused Naruto was the reaction of the villagers in relation to him. The ignorant fools suspected had the Uchiha clan for the Kyuubi rampage. They had gone as far as to show blatant distrust to the clan. They showed no love to it. It wasn't hidden to anyone. It was a reason that he could get along with the clan. Both were seen as reasons for the rampage by the Bijuu sealed within him.

The villagers had cried for the Uchiha. They acted like they had cared all along. Yes, they demanded for Itachi to be hunted down for murdering members of their most powerful clan. They cursed his name while crying tears for the clan. Tears! Tears of sadness for crying out loud!

Was it just him who found it amusing, after everything Konoha had put the clan through?

It was like if he suddenly died and they started crying for him, not of happiness, but of sadness that he had died. Sad that their beloved Uzumaki was dead. Ridiculous. It was beyond the realm of possibilities, yet something akin to it had occurred.

Of course Naruto didn't delude himself to even think that they would cry for him if he died. Hell no. They would laugh and rejoice Monday to Friday. Hell, they would even honour the day he dies as the day of freedom. Yup, Naruto could really see that happening.

Naruto shook his head, sitting inside the Sandaime's office. Perhaps he was losing it. He really needed to get in touch with his inner self and revaluate his thoughts a bit more if he wanted to appear sane.

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