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Tsunade stood up as Kushina entered her office.

She wanted to show some respect to the woman; she didn't want to come up as someone trying to force things because she knew that the Uzumaki would not like that at all.

She had to work things out a bit delicately at this time because she came out forceful, she would meet a hard rock that grow arms and hit her back if she tried to bully it.

Kushina wasn't the one to be bullied.

She has learned that these women with connections with Naruto needed to be handled with care or else she would not get anything from them. Even Mikoto hadn't let a damn thing slip, even though she had asked some good questions that would confuse a normal person.

"Thanks for coming, Kushina." Tsunade said with a smile. "Please make yourself comfortable."

Kushina didn't sit down; she stared at the blonde Senju for a long minute.

"Thanks, but why did you call for me, Hokage-sama?"

When Kushina was calling her so respectfully, they were not speaking as people who had known each other since the redhead was younger. The woman normally, called her by name. This was just a warning shot, and she had to be careful with how she responded or else the woman would turn back and leave.

She could not force her to stay.

Tsunade breathed in, calming her thoughts before she settled down.

"I want to talk about Naruto." She said in a firm but a not forceful tone-just to signify that it was a serious matter, but she wasn't being forceful about it.

"We have already had this discussion and what did I say about it?" Kushina asked calmly.

"We are never to discuss Naruto when he isn't present if there is something I want to know." Tsunade repeated the damn words Kushina had made her say the last time they had a discussion about Naruto - to say discussion was a bit misleading; she had actually been interrogating the Uzumaki.

A naïve mistake on her part.

"It seems you remember." Kushina said. "Then there is no need for me to stay here. Good day, Tsunade..."

"Kushina." Tsunade started in a pleading tone. "I'm sorry about how I came up to you last time. I was just a bit frustrated. Can you please sit? I just want to talk as someone who wants to understand the situation better, if you don't like how I am talking, you can leave and I will never bother you again; you have my word."

Kushina smiled, "I'm still under no obligation to answer your questions." she said as she sat down.

Oh, she knew the woman wanted to ask questions about Naruto. last time out she hadn't answered anything because the woman had been demanding things from her and calling her son by names.

She had not appreciated it.

"Thank you." Tsunade said.

She didn't get to it because she still had to sort out how she was going to go about it. this was the moment she could strike a friendship with Kushina or they could be enemies. she was potentially going to make a deal with Naruto soon, depending on how things went here, she would be making a deal with the devil, but if things went okay, she would still be in bed with his mother.

That would make things safe.

As if Kushina was reading her thoughts, she spoke words that just shattered her thoughts.

"Just in case you're having ideas; Naruto does not like people who try to come up to him through me."

Tsunade didn't say anything that would incriminate her: she just smiled, "Thanks for the warning; I will walk carefully. Listen, Kushina; Last time I may have come as trying to find information from you that would make me turn on your son, but that wasn't the idea. I have spoken to Naruto, and he has it made it clear that he doesn't want any trouble with me; we don't have to be friends, but as long as we have a good working relationship, he is fine."

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