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Jiraiya stared at Naruto for a long minute, but the blond didn't say a word. If anything, since they met, Naruto has looked nothing if not focused. There was obviously something happening inside his head. However, just yesterday, he had appeared to be in a fine mood, his normal self. So, that meant something happened after he left the Hidden Leaf.

But what could it be that could make the blond lose his focus like this?

The Sannin sighed. "Naruto." He called in a firm tone. "Naruto!" Jiraiya called once more when Naruto didn't respond.

The blond turned towards the Sannin. "I heard you the first time you called." He said, a bit harshly than intended.

There was just a lot that he needed to fix inside his head but the thoughts did not want to calm. They were playing a game of tag with him and this was not the time he needed them to misbehave. He was usually a controlled person, but this that has happened was beyond his control and much unexpected. He did not expect it to happen, not even in his most absurd dreams.

He never expected Mikoto to be pregnant.

That was something that hadn't even crossed his mind. He had not considered the possibility. This just came with his inexperience. If he had been experienced, he would have foreseen that such things would happen. But no, he had been focused on riding high with Mikoto in a game of pleasure that he didn't think that her eggs could become fertilised and then her belly one day would grow big.

The thought had been so ridiculous that when Yugao spoke of it, he had dismissed it without even a second thought.

At least it was not yet showing. There was still time to think about how they were going to deal with it before people started talking. There was no way around it though. Naruto wasn't going to consider making 'it' disappear before anyone found out about it. He was a cruel person at times, but he wasn't that heartless.

"Then, why didn't you respond when I spoke to you?" Jiraiya demanded. "I know you're having some thoughts. You should at least let me help you out. I know we aren't that close, but one of us might not leave this village. I have so many regrets, but at least I'd like to go out knowing that I was some help to you."

Naruto tilted his head to the side. "Why do you think one of us will die, Jiraiya? Why do you think you will die?"

The Sannin looked thoughtful for a couple of seconds before responding. "It is just a thought." He said. "Besides, we both know that we are going to face someone ridiculously powerful. You have not shown fear for any member of the Akatsuki but when it has come to the leader, you have been unwilling to engage. Besides, if he really does hold the Rinnegan, there is something to fear. I believe the doujutsu is much more powerful than the Sharingan."

Naruto nodded. "That is disputable, but since they are the eyes of the Legendary Sage, we can assume that much." The blond said. "Since we are on the issue, we have to change the scope of our mission. This is no longer just a mission to test if the man is really located here and see his power. If we find him, we kill him."

Jiraiya wasn't surprised by the firm statement from the blond, but he was curious. "Why the change? You didn't seem too keen when we were talking to Tsunade."

"Things have changed." Naruto said. "I cannot allow for such a man to continue living with what has come up. I don't even think I will even be in a condition to fight with a clear head once I return to Konoha. For victory, this is my best short."


Naruto was silent for a few moments before finally speaking. "Mikoto, Sasuke's mother, is apparently pregnant with my child." The blond said with a flat look on his face.

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