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Naruto standing still in the forest of death, eyes closed, surrounded by trees and creepy shades that made the forest infamous. He was trying to visualize the surrounding area with his eyes closed, trying to train his senses once more. Being in this village, with no training, no physical battles to fight, it was a waste. He should have been away already doing something useful.

He could not even train in peace, not that he needed any more hard-core training these days, unless there was a new jutsu he needed to learn. It wasn't that he had learned everything that needed to be learned. One never stopped learning after all - he was merely taking a break from the heavy training to rest his body.

"When you smell like that, you're easy to spot," Naruto suddenly said. "Continuing this will only become an annoyance to me in the next seconds, and I would rather not have that."

Anko jumped from the tree she had been hiding. "I'm a little insulted about what you just said," the woman said, though her expression and tone said otherwise.

Naruto did not turn to face the woman as he took his time to respond to her. "I was talking about snakes and your undeniable thirst for blood. I could feel your intent from that where you were standing... the urges to strike, as you lick your lips."

Anko blinked. Actually, the thought had come to mind about attacking the blond when he was not looking, but she had refrained from doing so when she saw that he wasn't moving. He hadn't even looked at her, how had he known? Perhaps he was merely making an assumption based on his past interaction with her.

"I was forgetting you're the brat who embarrassed Orochimaru in this very forest some years ago," Anko said with a smile. She was fond of that memory in the Sandaime's office. How she wished she could've seen it. She would have rolled all over laughing at Orochimaru.

"I don't know if I must be a brat, but I did engage Orochimaru in this forest," Naruto said as he turned to face Anko.

Anko didn't move as she stared at the blond; well, he wasn't a brat - she could take that back, but she wasn't going to do it loudly. He was a man, and that bored mask deep in his eyes made her feel slightly excited.

"What are you doing here all by yourself? Have you grown old enough that now you can leave your mother's side?"

Naruto chose not to respond to the latter question, instead he responded to the first. "I was fishing," Naruto said, "And this is what I got," he said pointing at the former apprentice of Orochimaru.

Anko tilted her head to the side as she thought over things. "What do you plan on doing now that you have caught me?" The woman played along, grinning madly in anticipation of what the blond might say in response.

Disappointedly, Naruto did not say what the woman wanted to hear. "I'm going to toss you back where I found you and get out of here..."

Anko frowned slightly. "You're bored," she said. "Why don't you we do something to make things fun? I'm also bored..."

The moment she said those words, Anko lunged towards Naruto, a kunai slipped into the right hand. Appearing slight above the blond, she drove the kunai towards Naruto's face with every intention to pierce him if he fails to avoid the blow.

Naruto reacted by grabbing Anko's wrist, stopping the kunai just in front of his face. His hold on her wrist was firm, almost like an iron grip and Anko could not move her hand. The snake mistress supressed a wince before raising her left hand; two snakes burst forth, heading straight to Naruto's face.

The blond grabbed both snakes a bit viciously before snapping them in half. His bored eyes stared at Anko. "Snakes are such dangerous creatures, aren't they? One vicious strike by one that is venomous and you are dead."

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