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Yugao stirred slowly as her eyes slid open; what a night she had last night. Never again was she going to drink with those perverts, especially her senpai. Kakashi was the worst but she should have known before she even said goodbye to Kushina-and she had said she was going to keep an eye on her son just to make sure that her former colleagues didn't take things too far as she knew them.

In the end, she was the one who ended up in more trouble. She would not have drunk that much had it not been for those colleagues of hers.

Aside from getting herself into trouble, the night had been fun.

She had missed those kinds of nights with the guys.

The former Anbu captain blinked as her eyes fully opened, she was staring straight into Naruto's eyes. The blond had his head resting on the palm of his head, facing her with an amused look on his face.

Yugao nearly jumped out of the bed when she became aware of everything.

"What are you doing in my room, Naruto?" Yugao asked, staring at the blond.

She didn't know how she even got back here. Yes, it had been that kind of a night. Naruto who was doing nothing to help her out after she ran her mouth hadn't helped it. But she had done it to keep his secret. If she had not said anything, those two would have done everything to find out about his personal life and would have caught him with Mikoto.

"Staring at you." Naruto responded calmly. "Before that, I was sleeping. Do you have a problem?"

"Yes." Yugao said with a firm nod. "How did I get here?"

"I had to carry you back here and had to carry Panther to his place while Kakashi took care of Tiger. They were pretty out of it after watching you shove your tongue down my throat whilst your hand was trying to get inside my pants."

Yugao had the decency to look embarrassed about it. Yes, she could remember that well. Those brutal friends of hers had told her to prove that she was indeed going out with Naruto, a kiss hadn't been enough. Those guys had kissed a lot of people, sometimes even men, just for the sake of a mission. After a couple of drinks, Yugao had pulled Naruto over and manhandled him.

Of course, he had stopped her from going too far, but that was because he had noted she had been too drunk.

Yet before that, he hadn't been trying to do anything, but appeared content with just going with the flow. Perhaps he had been amused by watching her rack her brain trying to see what she could do to get out of the situation. It might be that out of everything that occurred last night, her struggles had been his only amusement.

"If I hadn't done that, you would've been in trouble." Yugao said. "You know if two more start knowing, Kakashi was going to know and then the whole village was going to know."

"I was aware of that." Naruto said calmly. "But you started it and I told you to be careful with what you say. You didn't listen so I thought it would be a good lesson to you if I just went with the flow. Even sleeping here was just going with the flow..."

Yugao ignored the comment about just going with the flow in sleeping on her bed. "Did they buy it though?"

"Yes, but we have to play the part now because you couldn't keep your thoughts to yourself. There are some comments you shouldn't make because they will lead you into an uncomfortable situation." Naruto lectured. "This is why I just don't open my mouth around people who ask a lot of questions. You don't want to end up saying things that will trap you."

Yugao flipped to the side and winced as the headache she has been trying to ignore pounded her into submission. She stared at the ceiling. She now had to play a girlfriend to Naruto but she didn't want to deceive his mother like that.

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