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Naruto stared at Baki with a blank expression on his face. The man had requested to see him; something like that had never occurred before. He had exchanged a few letters in the past to learn how Sunagakure was doing with Gaara set to be Kazekage and how it was after the Jinchuriki had become the leader.

The Kazekage and his siblings were already in the Village, being entertained by Tsunade. They would be sent to his house for him. He had decided against going all the way out to see them.

"What do you want, Baki?"

The man did not show his surprise at the question. He did expect the blond to get straight to the point. It would be good for him if he got to the point and leave the Leaf as soon as possible, so he could get back to the Sand. It was just dangerous leaving the village without any leader, especially when there were some people who didn't want Gaara to continue as Kazekage.

"I want to know your motives," the man said with narrowed eyes. "As I as said before, Suna will not become anyone's toy thing and I will not allow you to manipulate Gaara. He will be independent and rule the Sand as he sees it best for his people. If you have any other intensions, I will not sit back and allow it to happen or for Sunagakure to be used."

There was firmness in the man's tone that left Naruto without a doubt that the man was dead serious in what he was saying. Well, he had foreseen something like this. Nevertheless, it was amusing - his expression might not have showed that much, but he was amused.

"What will you do, Baki, if I say I have great plans for Gaara and Sunagakure? Will you fight me?"

Baki tensed slightly but his resolve was firm. "Anything to protect my village and the Kazekage! I'm grateful for what you did, but I cannot allow the village to be controlled by someone else who has no love for the village and its people. It would be failure on my part to allow something like that to occur."

Naruto tilted his head to the side as he continued staring at Baki for a long minute. "Feel free to attack me at any time, while I'm watching you because if you come at me from behind, I will be angry."

"Am I supposed to be afraid?"

"That is for you to decide, but I will say this just once: you should be afraid, very afraid," Naruto responded calmly before bursting into a murder of crows. The black feathered birds crowed as they slowly made it toward the man. It wasn't long before they surrounded him and Baki found himself staring at the hypnotic eyes of the Sharingan.

Naruto's voice spoke within the murder of crows. "If I wanted, I could have manipulate you with the Sharingan, but I have decided against that because I have no desires to control you or Suna. My intensions were made clear on the day I slaughtered your council and none of my letters to you have suggested anything more, yet you still question," Naruto's right hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Baki by the throat.

It was only his hand that appeared: there was no sign of the rest of his body, just crows cowing.

"I could also kill you because you're the one who killed Hayate, but I will not because Sunagakure doesn't have many capable Jonins like you. In any case, don't think I won't kill you. I can find a replacement for you," the voice of Naruto spoke once more.

He freed Baki before the crows blurred away from the man. The gathered a small distance behind him, forming Naruto's body. "I despise traitors Baki, and your intensions, although understandable, have not pleased me. Remember, I let you live even though you had a part in the invasion... any more, and I will end you. Make no mistake about it."

Naruto's House

Gaara stared at Naruto with an expressionless mask on his face - it was not because there was nothing on his mind or some lingering emotions that he felt; there was something, but the indifferent look on Naruto's face forced that look out of him. Besides, he wasn't known for wearing smiles all day long.

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