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Naruto was walking along the village streets with Mikoto beside him.

The woman had insisted on walking along with him.

Just because they were doing some private things that they didn't want other people to know didn't mean they couldn't do things as they used to-if they did that, it would just raise suspicions: Mikoto had reasoned.

With his record, Naruto thought some people would find the very idea of him sleeping with Mikoto to be ridiculous, just unbelievable. He showed no interest in women, so really something like that would be the last thing people would think of him. His reasons had not mattered nevertheless.

The Uchiha beside him had stood firm in what she was saying.

"Tsunade wants either of you to work in Anbu." Mikoto suddenly said. "She spoke to me in your absence. I sense the reason is that she wants to break you two apart. She is suspicious of your relationship and assumes you're plotting something. With the way she was speaking, it appeared as if she had gotten her hands on a detailed report about you."

"Well something like that would set off alarms in anyone's head." Naruto said. "But the only person who knew me in detail was the Sandaime Hokage. I wouldn't put it past the old man to have gathered intelligence about me..."

Still, allowing something like that to exist was just dangerous. The Sandaime would have been frank in his assessment on just what he was capable of doing, and he was certain that people like Shikaku wouldn't say anything that would make him appear bad. He had an understanding with the man.

However, if Tsunade knows what the Sandaime Hokage feared about him, then it would change the game.

Just when he thought that things would be okay within the Leaf, this has to happen. He would have to thank Mikoto for telling him this. He trusted her instinct. She was a former Jonin and he doubted her prowess as a Kunoichi have dulled due to the years of playing the role of a humble wife to Fugaku.

"You should be worried if she has something like that." Mikoto said in a firm tone. "I'm very much concerned about how something like that would impact Sasuke. I know anything with regards to Sasuke would not last if it is a case of abandoning the Leaf. His everything is here. It is a different story with you. Tell me, how far did you play your games with the Sandaime?"

"We didn't hold back." Naruto responded in a flat tone.

He still didn't like the fact that he was never able to land a blow on the old man. He was always on the losing side of their games and it had been a source of frustrations, but it did motivate him as well.

"The old man knew what I could do, he knew how I would react to different situations, you could say he could read my reactions. I think that was due to the fact that my thinking was narrow..."

"You were only focused on your mother and the Sandaime knew that all too well..." Mikoto shook her head. "Well, he was the professor."

"A man of many tricks and talents. Well, since he favoured Orochimaru out of his students, you can see where the snake gets some of his instincts..." Naruto said with a shake of his head. "What did you say about her thoughts?" the blond asked, going back to the matter the woman had brought up.

"I didn't give her my answer or my thoughts regarding the matter." Mikoto said. "She is the Godaime Hokage, and Sasuke is her subordinate. I have no say in how she uses him."

Naruto was amused by that response from Mikoto. She might have said that and that was the reality, but those were just words. perhaps she was telling the woman to do what she thought was right as the Godaime Hokage.

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