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Birds chirped as they blasted off the surrounding trees as Naruto ran through the shadows of the trees. He was travelling through a great speed, in a terrain that was for training purposes. At the end of the line, he had his mother waiting for him.

As he ran through, Naruto came across a tree marked with an x: within a few seconds, a small Rasengan was formed at the palm of his right hand. He slammed the jutsu into the X mark. As the jutsu collided with trunk of the tree, it burst through the tree, breaking it in half. Naruto didn't stand around to witness his handy work.

He merely danced around the falling tree, and kept running. As soon as he was behind the falling tree, Naruto was welcomed by hurling kunais. The blond kept running towards them: he wasn't to stop, or the train behind him would catch up. He clasped his hands, and kept on running as he kneaded his chakra, keeping it controlled.

''Futon: Wind Breakthrough!''

Naruto shouted as he released gusts of winds and sped towards the hurling kunais. The gusts picked up some amount of dust in front of him before they collided with the kunais, sending them towards another direction, away from his path.

Naruto burst through the dust and was welcomed by another tree in front of him. On the trunk of the tree, there was a bull's-eye target. A kunai slipped into Naruto's right hand from the sleeve of his cloak. But before he could throw the kunai, two kunais were thrown towards him from the shadows of the leaves. This forced Naruto towards his left to avoid the kunais.

Naruto twisted anti-clockwise whilst still running to get some momentum going. He then threw the kunai, hitting the bull's-eye target. As soon as he hit the target, there was an explosion on the very ground his feet touched. This forced the blond to jump up and hop into a tree branch.

As soon as he landed on the tree branch, two clones flashed into existence, flanking both his sides. The clones each sent a kick towards his forehead. Reacting simply on instinct, Naruto ducked under the kicks and used his footing to jump in a burst, flying past the two clones. As soon as he did so, Naruto twisted around to face them. He threw a kunai imbedded with an explosive tag between the two, and set it off quickly. The tag exploded in a blitz of fire.

Since Naruto was also close by, the blast also caught him: Its waves to be exact. They sent him back slightly, forcing him to land on the ground on one knee. But as soon as he landed on the ground, three kunais were thrown into his sides, imbedding on the ground. As soon as they hit the ground, Naruto was certain they had explosive tags on them.

There was only one option on this.

And indeed it was as he thought. The tags burst into a cloud of intense red flames. But as soon as the cloud formed, it was ripped apart by a raging tornado of wind. The tornado created powerful gusts of winds while rotating in immense speed. The flames were snuffed out quickly and the tornado died down, revealing Naruto.

The blond was on his knees, panting slightly.

He wasn't given time to recover his breath as he was assaulted by a flying kick. The kick collided with his head and sent him flying towards a tree. Naruto cursed as his back brutally crashed into the tree.

He wasn't given to nurse his pain as he heard a shout. ''Rasengan,'' a clone shouted, charging at him with the A-ranked jutsu. The clone was already at a close distance from him, and was aiming at his gut with the jutsu.

Naruto burst into a murder of crows. The crows flocked out of the way of the Rasengan and the Jutsu crashed into the trunk of the tree, splitting in in half. Naruto appeared behind the clone. With little time to act, he threw a kunai towards the head of the clone, while taking a quick step forward. The clone avoided the kunai by moving sideways slightly, but Naruto had cut the distance between the two and landed a powerful punch into the head of the clone, making it disappear in a puff of smoke.

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