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Sasuke strolled through the passages of the Hokage tower, heading towards the office of the Godaime Hokage. He was going to meet the woman over her proposed job offer for him. He hadn't spoken to Naruto since the blond returned from Kumogakure, but the blond hadn't lingered around for too long as he had departed once more with the sister to the Kazekage.

He wasn't in a hurry to speak to the blond nevertheless, he could use some fresh air away from Naruto. With Naruto, it was always oppression, always playing 'follow the leader.'

He wanted to do something for himself for once, and his mother wasn't against the idea.

Sasuke knocked at the door to the office of Tsunade.

"Come in."

Sasuke could hear the clear voice of the Godaime Hokage.

Without wasting any time to gather his thoughts, Sasuke entered the office.

The Godaime Hokage wasn't alone-she was with her trusted assistant-Shizune. Sasuke's eyes lingered on the black-haired woman for a couple of seconds before he turned his focus towards the blonde sitting behind the big desk of responsibility.

At this time, Sasuke didn't see himself sitting behind that desk. He wanted to do something about his clan first and he needed to sort out a few things first. But his mother wanted him to push for it.

He knew that Naruto had no interest in becoming Hokage. For Naruto, it was possibly that he didn't want to take the responsibility he would fail to fulfil when the time came for sacrifices.

But Sasuke was still certain that if the opportunity represented itself, Naruto would take the chance to become Hokage. It would give him a more level field to play his games with other people and he could get what he wanted easily.

Although he would not admit it, Naruto was a bit of a convenient person.

Tsunade would have to choose her successor though, and she would certainly not choose the blond when knowing what he valued the most. Unless she suddenly died and the responsibility to electing a new Kage was up to the council, then Naruto could get a chance to play his tricks on them.

If it came to that, Naruto would win that battle. He loved playing tricks and pulling the strings on people.

Admittedly, Sasuke agreed with his mother when it came to the fact that despite everything, Naruto could make a great Hokage. Of course, he would never admit that to the blond.

Naruto would get funny thoughts if he said that.

"Sasuke." Tsunade started calmly. "I wasn't expecting to see you. Do you need a mission?"

He normally went with Naruto on what to do, but she had come to understand that he didn't like just sitting within the Uchiha compound without anything to do. The Uchiha had trained to become strong and he wanted to fight to test that power as well as do something. Just sitting around could get someone to lose it. But if he thought like Naruto, he wouldn't have a problem with boredom.

The Uzumaki was a mask of curious things. Tsunade really wished she could just get into his head one day and just take a look to see what was inside of him. She wanted to know what really went inside that head and how it was able to think the way it does.

Sasuke was a different subject. He was simple but that simplicity was the thing that made things difficult. As Naruto has admitted himself, controlling the Uchiha isn't the easiest thing to do, and he seemed to fear that the Uchiha was prone to manipulation, perhaps it had to do with his personality.

That was why he felt the need to keep a close eye on him to avoid someone trying anything on him.

"I'm not looking for a mission." Sasuke said. "But if you have one that is interesting, I won't turn it down. I could use something to let loose some steam."

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