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Fuinjutsu was truly an interesting and puzzling art. It never ceases to amaze Naruto that it was the only art that could stuff a mountain size beast into something so tiny, yet still make room within the subconscious of that person for the beast to take full appearance and still communicate as if it was truly alive. Being sealed was really a prison of the worst. There was no hope of light, and you were never free to move about. All there was to do was just to lie about in your cell and continue plotting about methods of getting out, even though you knew it was impossible to simply break out.

Naruto placed his right hand on his gut. The Kyuubi was in there and its life was his life. To survive, it depended on him to continue on living. If he dies, it also dies. Temporarily though, but it was death nevertheless. Their fates were locked together until his body could no longer carry the Bijuu. Until then, the beast would be passed on to someone.

Naruto didn't think far ahead on that matter. His thoughts only stopped there.

He'd told Temari that they had to make do with the reality that had pressed upon their lives. He'd told her so because he believed it was the only way to make the best of out the situation. Ignoring it wasn't going to do. He couldn't continue ignoring that the Kyuubi was inside of him. It was there, and whether he liked it or not, they had to learn to live with the situation and get along for their own survival.

''Don't space out like that, Naruto,'' Kushina said, hitting Naruto on his right shoulder.

Naruto looked at his mother, thankful she didn't call him by any inappropriate name in front of the two Sand siblings: Gaara and Temari. The four were walking along the streets of Sunagakure, heading towards a good secluded place to have a nice talk and get to know each other. At least that is what his mother said.

''You don't have to hit so hard, mother,'' Naruto said, in a slight grumble. ''I was thinking important stuff anyway,'' he added.

''It doesn't matter,'' Kushina said strongly. ''You have lots of time to think about other matters. For now, it is just the four of us and we need to use time wisely, we don't have much time here, remember?''

Naruto sighed, and nodded. ''Yes mother,'' he said.

They certainly didn't have much time here in this village. They had to embark on their training trip soon enough. They were just passing by Sunagakure and after his mother fixes up Gaara's seal, they would only have a few days and then leave. The Third Hokage probably anticipated that the Yondaime Kazekage would ask something like this of his mother, probably why he had them come here in the first place.

They could have just left Konoha for their time away without making any stops. It wasn't like Konoha would change over night and Naruto knew the cunning old man was not naive enough to believe something like that would happen in his sleep.

Friendship had to be made and bonds had to be strengthened. At least that was the side story of things. It was for the better future, a happy tomorrow. That was what his mother wanted and Naruto was going to do his best, to make her happy and himself happy. A part of him did hope for a better tomorrow after all. So, he wasn't just doing this for his mother, but for his own sanity as well.

Everyone held some hope about the future. People hoped for the best, regardless of hopeless their situations were. His was not hopeless. There were ways to make the best of the situation, Uzumaki Naruto just didn't put much effort into it, yet he understood that if he doesn't, nothing would change.

If he grows up being a bitter child, who wears the Anbu mask in his sleep, would that make his mother happy? She would worry, perhaps even go back to those miserable nights.

Naruto would never forgive himself if he makes his mother experience such pain. He would curse his very existence until the day his body decides it can no longer contain his soul.

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