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Naruto was standing atop of a tree branch, overlooking around 10 shinobi who were gathered around. It was nothing but a bunch of monkeys going through the count of their latest planned conquest. Humans really did disgust him. Pathetic low life creatures that preyed on the weak and only sought nothing but pain and destruction to those they got their hands on.

Humans had plenty of masks they could wear: if it was not the monkeys of Konoha, it was the demons that paraded around the elemental Nations, enjoying their lives by violating others. Whether Konoha's people or not, humans were despicable monkeys. Naruto wasn't going to say that there were not those who were good people. It would be a lie to say everyone was evil and needed to be killed.

There had been good people that he had seen and talked with. But these before him were trash. He wasn't going to waste time with them. Talking to them wasn't even an option. He had no need to speak to lowly insects. They could not understand each other. They spoke a different language and all that was there was for him to squash the bugs before re-joining the Sandaime Hokage.

Sighing thinly, Naruto took out his sword and jumped down the ground, landing on both his feet. He hadn't made a sound when he landed, but they were quick to notice his presence.

"What the fuck do you want brat?!"

Such a foul language. Well, it was to be expected. He was dealing with rotten pieces of trash that needed to be disposed of. He had their death warrants in his hands and he would deliver it without fear or favour. That was why he was here anyway and nothing more would make his itching hands stop.

The blond closed his eyes for a moment: he was alone with no one watching him. He could go wild. He didn't like going wild when there were people watching him. There would be a lot of questions that would annoy him if he were to go wild with people watching him. Annoying talk about his morals would have to be avoided at all costs.

Naruto gripped his sword firmly before he took three steps towards the group. The movements were slow at first but after more steps, he started running towards one man in particular. The shinobi raised his right foot, intent on smacking it with his face. Naruto bent down slightly, facing up as he slid below the high foot.

As he was sliding, Naruto sharpened his sword with wind chakra before slashing it in one fast and fluid movement towards the man's balancing leg. The sword cut through flesh and bone as if were paper, and as soon as Naruto was behind the man, he straightened himself and held his sword in a reserve grip.

The man whose leg he had cut just above the knee joint, blinked as blood begun to gush out of his leg. "Huh?" he couldn't feel pain and he hadn't felt anything. He doubted anyone had seen anything. Pain shot through his leg and he cried as he started to lose his balance with the cut piece of his body separating from the rest. This forced him to fall towards Naruto.

Naruto had anticipated this and as the man was falling towards him; he stabbed him through the back without even looking. His sword pierced through the back around the lower regions and went through the front, appearing around the man's stomach. The blond twisted the sword slightly, causing the man to cry out in pain.

He grabbed the little piece of steel that was visible with his teeth gritted in silent curses and ushered harsh words from his lips. "What are you doing still standing there you worthless pieces of shits! Get over here and attack this little bastard."

He was holding the sword, and he knew he was going to die. He had lost his freaking right foot and blood was leaking out of his mouth. That sword had pierced through some essentials in the insides. He was certain he was going to die. At least he wanted to see the blond chopped into pieces before that.

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