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~Evelyn's Pov~

Everyone looked at me. "What's going on?" I asked. "Sit down and let us explain," Mom told me. I nodded and sat down in between her and dad.

"What'd you want to tell me?" I asked. "This is the Styles' family. We're been talking for a while and have decided on a plan. Evelyn, meet your new boyfriend, Harry Styles," Dad told me, pointing to a guy with curly hair.

I looked at him. His brown, curly hair sprung out of his head. His green, sparkling eyes looked at me. He smiled. He had dimples. Hmm...that's cute. Overall, he was gorgeous.

"He's your boyfriend. And eventually...you'll both get married," Dad said. I almost vomited. "What?" I asked. "You'll both date eachother, know eachother, you'll eventually fall in love. When the time is right, you can tell us when you want to get married," Mom explained.

I stood up and looked at Harry. He was cute, but I barely knew him! And now, my parents want me to date him, and eventually marry him! Tears started to form in my eyes. "I'm not going through with this plan, and you can't make me!" I yelled before running to my room. I shut the door and fell on my bed. I cried like there was no tomorrow.

~Harry's Pov~

I saw her run off. I knew she didn't like the plan at all from the start. I didn't like it any better than she did. But once I saw her, that thought changed. Her straight, brown, hair rested beautifully on her shoulder. Her brown, chocolate eyes sparkled. Her body shape was perfect. She was beautifully and perfect in every way.

"Go talk to her Harry," Dad told me. "Dad, I'm not even sure if she likes me," I replied. "She'll get used to it. Now go," he said. I silently groaned and started walking in the direction she ran in.

It wasn't hard to find her room. It wasn't because...well, it wasn't hard to miss. Her name was engraved in the door. I looked at it. It said Evelyn in a beautiful, flowing, writing on the top.

I knocked. "Go away," she said. "Can we at least get to know eachother a little?" I asked through the door. She silently got up and opened the door.

"Hey," I said. "Hey," she replied with. "Did...did you want to sit down?" She asked. I nodded and she made room for me on her bed.

I took a look at her room. It was huge. She had a round bed with a canopy and pink bed sheets. Her walls were pink with a purple boarder around it. She had a huge walk in closet. Her iPad was sitting on her pillow. Her phone, iPod, and laptop were sitting on her white and pink desk. There was another door that lead to her own bathroom.

"Wow. Your room is huge," I said. "Thanks," She said while holding and petting her bunny. "I like your accent," She told me. I smiled. "Thanks," I replied.

"Evelyn, I feel like we can connect better if you're not around your family. Did you...want to go on a date with me and meet my best mates...tomorrow?" I asked. "Sure. Do you live with them?" She asked. I groaned. "I wish. My parents think they're 'bad influences.' They make me live at home, a mansion that looks a lot like yours. I'm a prisoner in my own home. But they live a couple of houses away," I told her.

She looked at me. We made eye contact. "I feel the exact same way," she said, leaning in. She pressed her lips against mine. It was odd since we just met, but I kissed back. Kissing her made me feel butterflies.

She pulled away. "I'm sorry. We just met and all and I just kissed you," she apologized. I smiled. "It's okay," I replied. "It's just that...I've never connected with someone like that before. All my friends have a lot less money than I am," she explained. "Like I said before,it's okay," I said.

"Harry! It's time to go!" Mum yelled. I groaned. "Could I have your number?" I asked her. "Sure," she said, getting her phone. We exchanged phones and put in our numbers. "Here," she said, giving me her phone. I gave her phone back.

"Bye!" I said. "See you!" She replied. My parents and I walked out the door and into our car. Once we drove off, I saw her name in my phone, 'Evelyn :)' I started texting her.

(A/N this part is Evelyn's and Harry's texting conversation. E is Evelyn. H is Harry.)

H- What time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?

E- How does 2:30 sound?

H- Sounds lovely. :)

E- What are we doing? Are your friends nice?

H- You'll just have to see. ;)

E- Oh I see how it is. ;)

H- You'll just have see Anderson.

E- I'll take your word for it then Styles.

H- Good. See you 'til tomorrow then love. :)

E- See you then. :)

I looked at her text and smiled. I turned off my phone. "How was it with you and Evelyn?" Mum asked me. I smiled. "Great. We're going a date tomorrow actually. I'm introducing her to the boys," I told her. "That's nice to hear," she replied. Thinking of Evelyn made me smile. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I truly have fallen in love with Evelyn Anderson.

Update. I have a feeling on where the storys going to go. No other words. :)

-Aïcha :)

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