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So...2 updates in 1 day! The partial reason is that I don't want to do my homework. But enjoy! :)

-Aïcha :)


~Niall's Pov~

Something weird was going on with Zayn. I knew him for awhile now. I know when something's up. I followed him to the bathroom.

All I heard was Zayn and some dude on the phone, who had a really loud voice. "Zayn...don't...let...us...down," I heard him say. I gasped.

He opened the door. "Niall?!" He exclaimed. "Zayn what the hell is going on?" I asked. "None of your business Niall," he said. "Zayn tell me," I told him. He shook his head. "Just know that not telling you is saving you," he said before he walked away.

"Zayn...," I tried to say. "Niall...don't. Just leave me alone," he said.

I looked at him, even more confused then I was before.

~Zayn's Pov~

I felt horrible enough already. If Matt and Tony found out I told Niall, they would take him too.

The same number appeared on my phone again. "Yes?" I asked. "Are you with the family?" Matt asked. "Yea," I replied. "Let me talk to them. I'd like to say a few words," he told me. I nodded and walked towards the living room.

Everyone managed to stop crying. Harry's parents were over, grieving with everyone else. They showed no sign of crying. Scarlett and Aiden were still teary eyed. "Guys, someone one wants to talk to us."

~Emma's Pov~

Who the fudge would take my sister, my only older sister? It is Evelyn, me, then Emily. But that's not the point. "It's going to be okay love," Josh kept trying to tell me.

Zayn walked into the living room. "Guys, someone wants to talk to us," Zayn said. He put his phone on speaker and set it on the coffee table.

"Hello. Our names are Tony and Matt. We have your daughter. If you want to see her again, alive, I suggest you listen. You have a price to pay, one million dollars. If you don't, you'll have to pay a worse price. Don't even think about getting the police involved. It won't end well. Meet at the abandon warehouse tomorrow at 5:00," the dudes said before hanging up.

Everyone had a thinking face on. "D-Do we pay?" Emily asked while Louis was hugging her tight. "It's the only way," Dad said.

I hugged my knees while Josh held onto me. I hoped Evelyn would be okay by then.


Sorry it's kinda short and suckish. It ties together at the end, which is sorta soon. I'm done, for now. Until then readers. (I should come up with a name for you guys). :)

-Aïcha :)

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