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~Harry's Pov~

Evelyn didn't look very happy to see me. She looked happier seeing Niall. I gave Niall 'my look', hopefully shooting daggers at him with my eyes. Evelyn saw and let go of Niall. We all piled into Liam's car and we drove off.

I wanted to connect with Evelyn. So I wrapped my arms around her. She looked at Niall. I wanted to yell at Niall...so much. Tell him to stop talking to Evelyn, flirting with her, stop staring at her, and even stop thinking about her.

"What we're doing today is...roller skating," Liam said. Emily and Evelyn cheered. "Yay!" They exclaimed. I smiled.

About 20 minutes later, we got there. We walked in and got our skates. Once I stood up, I wobbled a little bit. I haven't gone skating since I was little, so I was wobbly. Everyone except for me was balanced.

Niall and Evelyn took off. Louis, Emily, and Zayn were about to skate onto the rink. So that left me and Liam sitting out. "Need help Harry?" Liam asked me. I nodded. He helped me up and and I put an arm around his shoulder. We walked onto the rink and took off.

About 30 minutes later, I got the hang of it. So Liam let go of me and took off. I skated around and started looking for Niall and Evelyn. It was hard to see them because I don't skate very fast and there were strobe lights.

I continued looking for them. I had to tell Evelyn how I felt before Niall did.

~Niall's Pov~

I was trying to aviod Harry. He was going to kill me for hanging out with his 'girlfriend.' I could tell Evelyn was thinking the same thing. "Evelyn, can we sit?" I asked her. "Sure," she said.

We sat down at the table where our shoes were. "Evelyn, we can't hide our relationship any longer. We have to tell everyone. Maybe we won't get in trouble," I said. She shook her head. "My parents are going to hire our lawyer and sue your family. Then they're really going to make me marry Harry the next day," she replied.

"Oh," I said. We stood up and hugged. "I really do love you Niall," she told me. "I love you too," I said. "What?" A voice said. Evelyn and I saw Harry there, standing there before us.

~Evelyn's Pov~

What I said wasn't wrong. My parents really would have done that. But now really wasn't the time for that. Harry was standing there, watching me and Niall hug, telling that we love eachother.

"Evelyn...is this what you feel about me?" Harry asked. I looked down and didn't say anything. "Niall, mate, you said you would even think about touching her," Harry told him, his hands in fists.. "Sorry Harry. It's just...I don't know. I just did," he said.

"Please, Harry, stop," I told him. "No," he mumbled. He raised his hand up and slapped Niall, in the cheek. "Harry!" I exclaimed. I helped Niall up and he put his arm around my shoulder. "Niall, let's go back to skating," I told him. He nodded and went back to the rink. I was completely, for sure, done with Harry. I didn't care what I parents though or said. I was going to stay with Niall.

~Harry's Pov~

Evelyn probably hates me now. I just slapped my best mate in the face. They walked away (well, skated away) with Evelyn giving me a look full of hate.

I sat down and buried my hands in my face. I let my tears fall like a river. I really done it now. There was no way Evelyn was going to love me now.

~Louis' Pov~

Emily was an amazing girl. She knew how to skate and she was fun to skate with. "I could skate for hours if you let me," she said. I grinned. "I would skate for hours with with you too but my feet are starting to hurt. Mind if I sit down for a little bit?" I asked. "Go. I'll be skating around. I nodded and started walking towards our table.

When I got there, I saw Harry with his head in his hands. "Hazza...what's wrong?" I asked, sitting down next to him. He lifted his hand. His eyes were blood shot and his cheeks were wet with tears.

"Evelyn hates me now," he mumbled. "What? Evelyn doesn't and can't hate you. How do you know that for sure?" I asked.

"She does. I saw Niall and her hugging, telling that they loved each other. I walked in and got mad. I was just really mad with Niall because he said he would stay away from her. So I slapped him in the face. Then they're both skated away and Evelyn looked at me with hate. She loves Niall, not me," he told me.

I looked at him with shock. "You're both suppose to get married though...," I pointed out. He sighed. "Boobear...I'm not going to marry her. If she doesn't want to marry me, I'm not going to make her," he said.

I looked at him in sympathy. I hugged him. "It's gonna be okay Hazza. It will," I told him. "I don't know if it will Boobear. My parents are gonna kill me if I say I don't want to marry her," he said.

I let go of him. "Why did her and your parents want you two to get married?" I asked.

He looked at me. "The money."


Awee Larry moment. Yes I'm a Larry shipper. Bit of a cliffhanger there. Sorry I didn't update until now. I was at 2 birthday parties this weekend. Updates are going to be slower now because my spring break is over and I start school tomorrow. But I will leave you with this: something bad is about to happen in the next chapter. But what what do you think do far? :)

-Aïcha :)

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