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Here's an update! But I have no other words. Enjoy! :)

-Aicha :)


~Niall's Pov~

Harry avoided any kind of contact with me. The rest of the boys kept asking what was wrong with him, but he simply looked down and stayed silent each time.

Once we got home he stepped in and sat on the couch. I felt bad for Harry. He was my best mate. It wasn't really my fault this happened...or was it? I needed to talk to him.

"Harry, can I talk to you?" I asked. He looked at me, glared, then looked down. "Fine," he said, getting up. I lead him to my room.

"Harry, will you at least say something?" I asked him, while sitting on the bed. "Only if you talk first," He said, seeing a tear fall on my blanket. "Harry...I'm sorry," I said.

He looked up. "No. I'm sorry. I should've know by now that Evelyn wants you, not me. Instead I wanted her so bad that I didn't even think straight. I should be the one that's sorry. I was just jealous. Fricken jealous. I wanted Evelyn to love me the same way she loves you. She should be with you, not me, " he said before bursting into tears.

I looked at him. Harry just confessed everything right in front of me. "I hugged him. "I'm sorry you feel that way," I mumbled to him, "It's okay Hazz. We'll talk it over with her." He kept crying. "What about our parents?" He asked. "We'll figure out something Hazz," I assured him.

He cried until he started hiccuping. "Can I stay here? I don't really want to face my parents like this," he said. "Sure. You can sleep on the couch," I replied. He smiled. "DInner boys!" I heard Louis and Liam yelled. We smiled, got up, and walked to the dining room.

We sat down and enjoyed the delicious dinner Louis and Liam cooked.

~Emily's Pov~

Evelyn sure has been gone for a long time. She must've gone to the nearby park to think over things. I baked vanilla cupcakes for her to help cheer her up. They were cooling off and now I was sitting on the couch, watching tv, waiting for her.

Suddenly I saw Emma walk in with Josh. "Hey Emily. How was your date with the boys?" She asked. "First off, it wasn't a date. Second of all, don't forget Evelyn was there too. Third of all, I got asked out. Louis' my boyfriend now!" I screamed.

She hugged me. "Yay!" She screamed while hugging me. I saw Josh roll his eyes. Emma let go of me. "Well anyway, Josh and I going to my room, to just hang out," she said, smilng. "Have fun!" I yelled.

Mom and Dad came in. "We're going out to eat tonight. Get your sisters together and we'll go," Dad said. "Ooo. Where?" I asked. "A Chinese buffet. To celebrate," Mom replied with a smile.

"Evelyn's taking a walk though. I'll call her," I said while clicking her name on my phone. It was ringing...ringing...ringing...no answer. "She didn't answer. I'll just go and get her," I said walking out.

I walked around, calling her name, everything. I didn't see her anywhere. Maybe she went to the boys' house. I texted Louis.

E- Hey is Evelyn over at your guys' house?

A couple of minutes later I got a reply.

L- No...why? Is she not home?

I got a worried look on my face and texted him back.

E- No. She went for a walk and she hasn't come back yet.

I waited for a reply.

L- Oh no. That's not good. We'll help you look for her. Niall and Harry are freaking out like crazy right now. But we'll help you look. We'll be over in a sec.

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