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~Evelyn's Pov~

I was waiting for Harry to come pick me up. I admit, we just met yesterday, and I liked him already. He was taking me to meet the his friends. He was taking a while. I waited outside. I was wearing a light, pink summer dress with white sandels. I curled the end of my hair.

When I told my parents about my 'date' today, they were happy. "You'll learn to like him. He is a sweet boy," mom told me. They said bye when I went to wait outside.

I saw a Ranger Rover pull into my driveway. Harry stepped out. He was wearing a black t-shirt, skinny jeans, and vans. "Hey Harry," I said. "Hey Evelyn. Shall we go?" He asked. I nodded. He walked me over to his car and opened the door. I stepped in and he got into the driver's seat.

Once we started driviing, he started talking. "You don't wear makeup do you?" He asked. "No. I don't like it. I think it covers up your natural beauty. And I just don't like it overall," I told him. He looked shocked. "You don't hear many girls say that these days," he said. "I know. I'm just different," I said. "Good. I like different," he said.

"What are you friends like?" I asked him. He chuckled. "The best. I think you're going to like them. And, of course, they're going to like you," he said, "Louis is silly and the most immature out of all of us. But he's fun to be around. Liam is the most mature. He's like the 'daddy' of our group. He's sweet and caring. Zayn is shy and mysterious once you meet him, but once you get to know him, he's just like Louis. Niall is the cute one. He loves food and we treat him like the baby. But you'll like him. He's nice and sweet."

"Oh," I said. I had a feeling I was going to like them.

~Louis' Pov~

I was waiting for Harry to bring his new 'girlfriend' over. He told us his parents arranged for him to be with her and that they were suppose to get married one day, but it didn't stop us from telling us to let us meet her. All the lads were excited to meet her. They were cleaning the house up a little bit before they actually got here. Just as we got done cleaning, we heard a knock on the door.

~Evelyn's Pov~

Harry knocked on the door and a guy with light brown hair in a quiff opened the door. "Hey Harry," the guy said in a British accent. "Hey Louis. Are all the lads here?" He asked. "Yea. What's her name?" Louis asked, looking at me. "Oh. Evelyn, this is Louis. Louis, this is Evelyn," Harry said. "Hi," I said, shaking his hand. "Hello. Did you guys want to come inside?" Louis asked, shaking my hand. "Yeah," Harry said, walking inside.

I took off my shoes and sat on one of the couches. All the other boys sat on the couches. I took a look at all of them. There was a guy with brown, buzz cut hair. His hair was just long enough to spike up. There was a guy with black hair in a quiff. There was a guy with blond hair that was in a quiff. He was cute. I already knew Louis. He sat down.

"So, Evelyn, this is Liam," He said point to to the guy with the buzz cut. "Hi," I said. "Hello," he said in his British accent. "This is Zayn," he pointed to the guy with black hair. Hey," I said. "Hi," he said quietly in his British accent. "You already know Louis," he pointed to Louis. He waved his hand. "And this is Niall," he said pointint to the blond one. "Hi," I said. "Hi," he said in a Irish accent. Oh gosh, his accent was so cute.

Harry decided to cook lunch for us. While he was in the kitchen, we were in the living room, watching tv. Gosh, Niall was so cute. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. But I knew I couldn't have any feelings for him. I was suppose to love Harry. I sighed as I we watched tv.

~Niall's Pov~

Evelyn was so cute. I saw her sneaking glances even now and then, but I didn't mind. I really did like her, but I couldn't be with her. I had to talk to her. "Evelyn, could I talk to you for a second?" I asked her. "Sure," she replied.

We walked into my bedroom and I closed the door. "What'd you want to talk about?" She asked. I looked down. "We're not suppose to be together, and I think you're really cute. I really like you. I wanted you to know that," I told her. She looked at me. "Truth is, Harry is nice. I like him so far. But the problem is, I like you even more than Harry," she told me.

She slammed her lips into mine. I haven't really dated anyone before, so this was my first kiss. Our lips locked together. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tighter.When I kissed her, I felt a lot better. She pulled away. "Sound we keep this a secret?" She asked. "For the moment," I said. "Okay," she replied.

"Lunch!" Harry yelled. We smiled and opened the door. All the boys were already at the table. I sat down. Evelyn was on my right and Louis was on my left. "Dig in!" Harry yelled. I smiled and grabbed food, eating away.

~Zayn's Pov~

Chicken alfredo. Harry's done it again. His cooking was the best. But something was nagging me at the back of my mind. Why did Niall want to talk to Evelyn? What happened in his bedroom? They kept looking at eachother while we were watching tv.

"So, Evelyn, what's your life like?" Louis asked. She groaned. "I am rich, but it has its ups and downs. I have a lot of stuff, and my bunny Patches, but it's okay. We have a lot of maids and butlers. My favorite is Jake. He's our cook. Then there's my maid Isabella. My triplet sisters Emma and Emily, and my parents," she explained.

"What are you hobbies like?" I asked. "I love acting, drawing, reading, writing, painting, playig my violin and guitar. Basically anything that has to do with Arts," she said. "I play guitar too," Niall said with his mouth full.

"What are your sisters like?" Liam asked. "Emma is sporty. She plays a lot of sports. She plays Tennis, Basketball, LaCrosse, Swimming, all those. In her spare time, she's either fametiming, calling, or hanging out with her boyfriend,Josh. My sister Emily is a cook. She hangs out with our cook, Jake, a lot. He's teaching her more and more dished to cook. She usually bakes for the family too. Besides that, she likes to paint her nails. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how many bottles of nail polish she has," she told us.

"Wow, Emily sounds amazing," Louis said. He sat up. "Did I...just say that outloud?" He asked. We nodded. "Oh shi-" Louis started to say. "If you wanted, I could get her to meet with you sometime," she said. "I'd love that," he said. "In fact, why don't we just head over to my flat?" She asked, standing up.

We all stood up and put our dishes in the sink. We all got into Harry's car and drove off. I was excited to see her and her house.

Sorry this chapter sucks. I though you should know a little more about Evelyn and her sisters. It was sorta a filler chapter. Next chapter will be better, I promise. :)


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