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~Emily's Pov~

I was watching over Louis. He was closer to Harry than any of the boys. It must have killed him to see Harry like this. "Hazz? Hazza?" Louis said, talking in his sleep. "Lou? It's okay," I said, petting his head. He calmed down after.

It was calming to see Louis sleeping. He was at peace. Nothing was hurting him.

Suddenly, I saw Harry's fingers twitching. His green eyes were starting to show. "Emily?" He asked. "Hazza?" I asked. "Usually only the boys call me that. But you, Evelyn, and Emma are exceptions," he said.

"Lou...Harry's awake now," I gently said. He slowly started to wake up. Louis fully sat up. "Hazz?" He asked. "Lou? Or should I say...Boobear?" Harry teased.

I gave Louis a weird look. "Boobear? Is there something you're not telling me?" I asked. "Hmm...fine. My mum used to and still does call me Boobear," he explained. "Well that's my nickname for you now," I said kissing his cheek.

A doctor, the same doctor from last time, came in again. "Hello Harry. How are you feeling?" He asked. "Dizzy. Sick. But okay I guess. It could be worse," he replied. "Do you want something to eat?" He asked. No, I'm fine," he replied.

The doctor walked out. We sat there in silence...for a few moments anyway.

~Louis' Pov~

I was so glad Hazza was okay. I didn't like seeing him like this.

"I'm so glad you're okay Hazza," I said, getting up to hug him.

He hugged me back.

Emily watched us. "Awee you guys are so cute!" She said. We looked at her then started hugging again.

"I love you Hazz," I told him.

"I love you too," he said.

"Like brothers right?" Emily suddenly asked. We looked at her and smiled. "Like brothers," I said. I let go of Harry.

"Unlike Harry, I really do love you Emily," I said before lightly pressing my lips against mine. It wasn't one of those kisses where we start making out. It was one of those kisses where it was sweet and passionate. Our lips locked together and it started to grow into one of those kisses where I just wanted to make out with her.

"Umm...guys?" Harry awkwardly asked. Damn I forgot Harry was here. "Can we continue our hug now Boobear?" Harry asked me. "Of course Hazza," I said, hugging him.

I really did love Emily. He completed me.

As for Harry, we were friends, best friends. People called us gay. We're not gay. It's not gay, it's love.

(A/N I know, a weird way to end a Pov :/ )

~Emma's Pov~

Evelyn, Zayn, and I were awkwardly waiting there for Niall to come back.

I felt my phone vibrate. I took out my iPhone and turned it on. It was from Josh. His text said:

'I need to tell you something...'

I got worried so I started texting him.

(A/N This part is Josh's and Emma's texting conversation)

E- What is it babe? :/

J- Would you forgive me?

E- Depending on what it is. Is it that bad?

J- Sorta...

E- Tell me.

J- I sorta cheated on you...

I gasped. Evelyn and Zayn looked at me.

E- What do you mean sorta...?

J- Well...it was with a girl on your soccer team. The Sarah girl. She tricked me. She wanted to go out for dinner, so I said yes. We went out for dinner, I said as friends, and I realized how cute she was. I knew she liked me back. So...we kissed. I'm falling in love with her Em.

I started crying at this point.

E- Josh how could you? I thought what we had was special...

J- Could you forgive me? I am falling in love with her, but I want you...

E- Oh. So that's how you apologize? Over text saying, 'Oh...I just cheated on you. I'm in love with another girl but I want you. Can you forgive me?' >:(

J- Babe...give me a chance to explain and make it up to you...

E- Don't call me 'babe' anymore. We're through.

J- Babe...

E- Like what I said, don't call me 'babe' anymore. We are officially through.

J- Babe please...

E- No. We're through. Go run off with your new 'girlfriend' Sarah. I'm quitting soccer.

I turned off my phone. I started to curl up in a ball and cry. Evelyn and Zayn came to my side. "Em, what's wrong?" Evelyn asked me. "J-Josh...c-cheated...o-on...m-me w-with a girl...on m-my s-soccer team," I manged to cry out.

Zayn held on to me. "If he's willing to cheat on you, he's not worth it. You deserve someone better than him," Zayn told me.

"That douchebag. Next time I see him he won't live to see another day," Evelyn threatened. "Evelyn don't. I don't want to see that douchebag for as long as I live," I said.

Suddenly, Emily, Louis, and Harry came in. "Guess what guys!? The doctors are letting Harry out early!" Emily and Louis exclaimed. Harry just smiled. It wasn't until now how I realized how cute he is.

They must have seen my face because their faces fell. "Emma, what's wrong?" Emily asked. I just bursted into tears again. "Her boyfriend, Josh, cheated on her with someone on her soccer team," Zayn quickly explained. "Oh Emma, I'm sorry," Emily said while hugging me. I just wanted to cry a river right here.

"Are you quitting soccer then?" Evelyn asked me. "Yeah. I can't play with Sarah if I know my ex-boyfriend cheated on me with her," I replied.

Niall came in. He mst have seen everyone one hugging me because his face fell as well. "What'd I miss?" He asked. Everyone sighed. "Long story short Emma's boyfriend, Josh, cheated on her with a girl on her soccer team," Zayn quickly explaned again.

Niall clutched his hair. "Why would he even do that? Whenever I saw you guys together, you guys looked so happy...," Niall said. "Well he must have been a good actor then," I grumbled.

"Well someone like you deserve someone a lot better," Harry told me. Oh gosh he was so cute. I smiled a little bit. "Thanks Hazza," I said.

I had amazing friends and sisters. Now it was mine and our turn to help. We had to help Evelyn and Harry out of this marriage situation.


I'm getting super excited to see what happens, and I'm writing it too. I'll try hard to update soon. :)

-Aïcha :)

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