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~Evelyn's Pov~

Once Niall dropped me off, he turned of his car. "When's the next time I'm gonna see you?" He asked me. "When I see Harry tomrrow. We're all hanging out tomorrow right?" I reminded him. "Right," he said,"See you." I kissed his cheek. "See you tomorrow Nialler," I told him before getting out of the car.

I walked in the house and Niall drove off.

~Niall's Pov~

I walked in quietly. "Where have you been?" Louis asked while watching tv. "I told Liam, I was going to the park to think," I told Louis. He walked up to me. "How come you've never used this excuse before?" He asked me. Oh crap. "Because...just because," I said before walking up to my room and shutting the door behind me.

That was close. Louis already suspects something. I couldn't tell Louis about me and Evelyn. He was Harry's best mate, Louis would tell him for sure. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and got into bed without a word.

~Emily's Pov~

Emma and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie when Evelyn came in. "Hey! How was your date?" Emma asked. "Great! Niall is the sweetest guy ever!" She told us.

"Where's mom and dad?" She asked. "Out, still. They said they were going out for dinner, but they're probably at a club too," I said.

Yeah, our parents were pretty young when they had us. 20 and 22 I believe. It was probably bad enough to know they were going to have a child at that age. It probably made it even worse that they were going to have triplets. We lived with our grandparents for the first 5 years of our lives until our parents finished college. So the first time we ever saw them was on our 5th birthday.

Evelyn got a weird look on her face. "Aren't they kinda...old for that now?" She asked. "They think they're still 20 and 22. Let them enjoy the moment," Emma said.

"Okay...well I'm going to go take a shower then go to sleep," she said. "Okay. We should too," Emma said. I nodded and started walking towards my room. "Good night Emma. Good night Evelyn," I said. "Good night," they said back.

I walked into my bathroom. It was decorated with sea animals. I smiled. I agreed to keep Evelyn's secret because well, she's my sister and maybe if this thing with Niall worked, they'd let me be an oceanographer. I took a quick shower and got into my bath robe. I saw I got a text from Louis.

L- Good night Beautiful. See you tomorrow. :)

I smiled and texted him back.

E- Good night to you too Lou. I'll see you tomorrow. :)

I turned my phone off and put on my pjs. I turned on my iPad and checked my facebook. I typed a status.

Tomorrow I have great plans. Hanging out with my sis and 5 amazing boys. :)

I scrolled through my news feed for 10 minutes then I logged out and turned off my iPad. I turned off my lamp. Tomorrow was going to be a great day.


~Louis' Pov~

I woke up. I looked at my clock. It was 8:30. I got up and put on my typical outfit. A white shirt with navy blue stripes, suspenders, red skinny jeans, and a pair of red TOMS. I walked downstairs to find all the boys up.

"Hey Lou. Are you making yourself look good for Emily?" Niall teased. I scoffed. "Of course, who else?" I replied. "Doesn't matter. Louis, eat. We're picking up Emily and Evelyn up in 15 minute," Liam told me.

I nodded and got pancakes Liam and Harry made. I poured on syrup and started eating. I looked at Niall, who had 4 pancakes on his plate. "Niall, what's the most amount of pancakes you've ever eaten?" I asked him in between bites. He thought for a second. "Hmm...maybe 12," he answered. "12?!" Zayn asked. He chuckled. "Yea, 12. It was an eating competition," he said.

Liam watched the clock. "It's 9:00. It's time to go!" He yelled. "Okay daddy," I teased. We all got into his car and we drove off. I couldn't wait to see Emily and Evelyn today.

~Evelyn's Pov~

Emily and I were eating breakfast while waiting for the boys. Jake made omelets for us. It were delicious. They were filled with cheese, ham, and bacon. We poured us milk too. "Oh, I can't wait to see Louis again," Emily said with excitement. "I can't wait to see...Harry today too," I hesitated. She smiled. "I think it's going to be fun today," She pointed out, "Plus, I think Harry's going to like what you're wearing today.

I looked at what I was wearing. I was wearing tight skinny jeans, a pink, flowery top, with a navy blue cardigan. "I think Louis' going to like what you're wearing too," I told her. Emily was wearing a red and white striped shirt, skinny jeans and white flats.

We heard the doorbell ring. Emily opened the door. "Hi guys!" She said. "Hi Louis!" She said when she saw Louis. He greeted her in a hug.

Harry came up to me and hugged me. "Hey beautiful," he said. "Hey...," I mumbled. "Hi Evelyn!" Niall exclaimed. "Nialler!" I said while hugging him. I saw Harry look at us, shooting daggers at us with his glare.

"We're never meet Emma yet," Liam pointed out. As if on cue, Emma walked into the living room. She was trying out for 2 new teams, volleyball and soccer I believe. So she was wearing basketball shorts, a puma sports shirt, and her good tennis shoes. Her hair was in a pony tail.

Emma walked over to us. "Hey Emma," I said. "Hey. I got to go get to my volleyball try out, then my soccer try out. Then Josh and I are going to go get him a new pair of tennis shoes, but I have time to meet these guys here. Who are they?" Emma asked and told us.

"Emma, this is Zayn, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Niall," I said, pointing to all of them. Liam, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Louis, this is my other triplet sister, Emma," I said. They waved.

"Emily, Evelyn we have to go," Harry said. "Okay. Bye Emma! Good luck with your tryouts!" Emily and I exclaimed. "Thanks! Have fun with your hangout day today!" Emma replied.

We nodded and walked out the door. This time it was Liam's car. It was a SUV.

Liam started the engine and we drove off. "What are we doing today?" I asked. "You'll just have to wait and see," Harry said while wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smiled then looked at Niall. He returned my sympathetic look. It was going to be a fun and, yet, an interesting day.


Basically, the next chapter is their hangout day. Stuff's about to happen between Evelyn, Harry, and Niall. That's all I have to say. :)

-Aïcha. :)

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