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Hey! Thanks to the people who have been reading my story and have been adding it to their library, even though it sucks.This chapter is dedicated to my friend Rachel (@RachelMarsala) who's birthday is on Tuesday! Anyway, I'm done talking. Enjoy the chapter! :)



~Evelyn's Pov~

Harry was pissing me off. I wasn't even sure if I was even in love with him anymore. "Evelyn...I'm okay, really," Niall said. I grinned a little. His whole cheek was red. "I will beat up Harry if it's the last thing I do," I mumbled. He chuckled. "You're brave. I like that," he said.

I saw Emily catch up to us. "Hey. Have you seen Louis anywhere?" She asked us. "Go check over by our table. He's probably over there," Niall replied. "Thanks!" She said while skating away. "Louis and Emily really are in love are they?" I asked. "I hope they are. They love eachother, just like I love you," he said.

I smiled as Niall and I contined skating.

~Louis' Pov~

"The money." Harry said. I was confused. "What about money?" I asked. "My family and her family are rich...really rich. They figured if we got married we would have even more money. They're doing all of this because they want money," he explained to me.

"That's really shallow," I said. "Hey guys!" I heard a fimilar voice say. I saw Emily skating towards us. "Hey love!" I said while hugging her. "Why aren't you guys dating yet?" Harry asked in exasperation. We both blushed. "Well Hazza, if you really want us too," I sassed.

I turned to Emily. "Emily Anderson, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. "YES!" She screamed while hugging me. "Well finally," I heard two voices say. It was Liam and Zayn. "Hey guys I'm tired. Sould we go home, have chinese take-out, then take the girls home?" Liam asked.

"I'm up for it," Emily said. Harry and I nodded in agreement. "Okay. We'll go find Niall and Evelyn," Liam and Zayn said, skating away.

"Okay Louis. From here on out, no more secrets," Emily said. "Can I tell her?" I asked Harry. He nodded. "Do you want to hear the real reason why Evelyn and Harry have to get married?" I asked her while me, her, and Harry were taking off her skates. "Sure," she replied. I told her what Harry told me.

She looked shocked. "Oh...first they won't let me be an oceanographer, and now, they're making Evelyn marry Harry, no offence Harry, for more money?" She exclaimed. "None taken and yea...," Harry trailed off.

"I swear, my parents...I do love them, but this time, they've gone to far," she said. She looked down and started crying. I conforted her until Liam and Zayn came back.

~Niall's Pov~

If it weren't for Harry, his parents, and Evelyn's parents, I would have asked Evelyn to be my girlfriend already.

"I could skate with you for the rest of my life," I said. She grinned. "Me too Nialler," she replied. We were resting against a wall so other people were avoiding us.

She leaned in closer. Our faces were inches apart. "Evelyn...I don't think you should. Harry's going to kill me," I said.

"He's going to have to get through me first," she said before pressing her lips on mine. The kiss was soft and passionate. It was shorter than I thought it was too.

I pulled away. Wow. "That was amazing," she said. "I've always wanted to do this," I admitted. "We have. When we first met, you took me into your room and we kissed," she reminded me. "Oh...right," I said, embarrassed.

We stopped just in time. Liam and Zayn came skating towards us. "Evelyn, Niall, we're leaving," Zayn said. "Are you taking me and Emily home?" She asked. "Yeah. After we have Chinese take-out," Liam replied. "Okay," she replied.

After we all returned our skates, we all went to our flat. Liam called the nearby Chinese restaurant and we were eating away, especially me. "How's your eggroll?" She asked me. "Pretty good. I wish we ordered more. How's the stirfry?" I asked with my mouth full. "Pretty good. I'll share with you," she shared, holding the fork full of noodles. I grabbed the fork with my mouth and ate. It was good.

"Should we take the girls home now?" Liam asked. "I don't want to, but we should," I replied. No one wanted to stay alone, so we all went.

"What's the time?" Evelyn asked. "About 5:30," Liam replied. She nodded and rested her head on my shoulder.

About 10 minutes later we arrived. "Bye guys," Emily and Evelyn said. "When's the next time we're going to see you?" Harry asked. "Well we have school this week except Friday. So Friday then?" Evelyn asked. We nodded.

They walked out and into their house. I was happy. Though Harry seemed to be avoiding me. Today was a great day.

~Evelyn's Pov~

I needed a walk. I was stuck in a love triangle. I loved Niall, but Harry loved me. They both wanted me but I wanted Niall.

"Want me to come with?" Emily asked me. "No it's fine. I need time alone," I said walking outside. I sighed in frustration. Emily had it easy. She was in an easy, committed relationship with Louis. I envied her.

What is wrong with my life? Why didn't my parents understand anything? Why is Emily and Emma the lucky ones? Why did I have to be the one?

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I got scared. "This is her," I heard him say. He held a wet cloth against my mouth. The world were fuzzy before me. Everything went black.


Dun dun dun....another cliffhanger!!! But 2 updates in one day! Yay! But I shall try to update tomorrow before I watch the Bachelor. I don't actually like it. It's just interesting to watch it. But I won't leave you hanging for long. See you until then! :)

-Aïcha :)

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