Chapter 1: Decision without me

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I slightly shifted on the tree branch, it wasn't exactly comfortable but whatever. I continued eating my chocolate bar in peace. Almost everybody had to train today but I didn't want to, so I sneaked away with some snacks. I was focussing on the sounds of nature, birds chirping, the wind blowing through the tree branches. Another sound soon joined, the crunching of leaves. Footsteps. I peered down, assuming the person would just look straight ahead, and not up. I was wrong. It was Kate and she always has a way of knowing where somebody is.

''There you are! Get down this instance Toby, you're in big trouble.'' Kate yelled

Shit. Well, there goes my peaceful afternoon. She sounds like such a mom. I quickly put the rest of my chocolate bar in my hoodie pocket.

''Make me!'' I yelled back

''Tim ordered me to fetch you. If you don't come with me the Slenderman will be informed.''

As much as I'd like to avoid Masky, the Slenderman was somebody I want to avoid at all costs. I mentally groaned before climbing down and joining Kate's side. I didn't look at her but in the corner of my eye I saw she was glaring at me with her arms crossed. We headed back to the mansion. Whatever he wanted me for, I already knew I was in trouble. I'll probably get a punishment. Kate knocked on his office door and Masky gave us permission to enter. I looked up and saw Brian and Tim standing next to each other. As soon as I stepped into his office Tim began scolding me.

''I've had enough of this Toby.'' Tim sneered

I kept my gaze low, too afraid to look him in the eye. His tone gave away his mood instantly.

''Where were you this time, huh?'' He asked

''I-In a tree.'' I answered

''You know damn well we forbid you from being alone in the forest. Do you not understand or do you want to get into trouble?''

He waited for an answer but I didn't have one. I felt like a little kid being scolded.

''No smartass remarks this time huh? Alright.''

I didn't know what to say, I knew saying sorry wouldn't do anything, and lying I wouldn't sneak away again would not be believed. I could feel everybody's eyes on me. Tim's pissed off demeanor made me feel uncomfortable. I've been caught a few times but I knew Tim has finally had enough this time.

''I'm sick of you sneaking away, disrespecting us and picking fights. I will not be tolerating you misbehaving anymore. You will sleep in my room so I can keep tabs on you.''

Wait WHAT..?! My eyes widened. Oh god, sleeping in Masky's room. Him being my roommate?! That doesn't make sense. I don't want a roommate, especially not Masky of all people. I finally looked up now, they were all just silently looking at me. I couldn't see their faces, only their masks. I looked down at the ground again, slowly getting upset. This was going to suck, a lot. Was I going to move in his room or he in mine? Or were we getting a new room?


''We're going to move your stuff into my room tonight.'' Masky cut me off

Guess that answers my questions.

''W-What will happen to my r-room?'' I nervously asked

''Nothing, at least nothing in particular for now.'' Tim answered

I thought for a moment. I think I had questions but nothing came to mind, I was overwhelmed. I'm not sure what I would find worse, being punished or having a roommate to keep tabs on me. Especially if that roommate is Masky, that alone is torture. I'm sure they talked about this and came to the conclusion I would hate this the most. I mentally cursed and became really uncomfortable. My hands curled into fists.

''What If I don't want to?'' I snapped

''I don't care. You brought this upon yourself mister. Now get out my office and go to your room.'' Masky snapped back

Without looking up or saying anything I left the office and went straight to Clockwork's room. I knocked on her door and let out a sigh of relief when she answered. She said I could come in and she immediately noticed I was upset. I told her about my new roommate.

''Toby I know how upset you are but you do realize why this is right? This isn't to annoy you it's to help you stay out of trouble.'' Clocky tried to reassure me

''Y-Yeah well... I still d-don't want a roommate... I didn't even have a say in this! How is a 'roommate' going to change things?!'' I scuffed

I noticed I was trembling from my anger. A twitch made my neck crack. I tightly gripped the fabric of my hoodie sleeves.

''Toby...'' Clockwork sighed

''Maybe if I a-annoy Tim enough he'll eventually snap a-and we can't be roommates anymore.'' I shrugged

''You'll probably get a new roommate then. Maybe a worse one like Jeff or Sully!'' Clocky teased

''Ewww no!!'' I groaned

Clockwork took a deep breath.

''I'm not sure if annoying Tim is such a good idea though. Maybe having a roommate won't be so bad for you. I know how you have nightmares and night terrors, Tim might be able to comfort you since he'll be right there.''

''I don't know. He h-hates me.''

''Well I don't think he hates you, Tim might not always know how to deal with you...?''

''Another reason why he shouldn't be m-my roommate.'' I mumbled

''Also, don't tell me you don't like getting into mischief.''

She poked me.

''Maybe sometimes.'' I admitted

''Hey let's just wait and see how it goes, okay?'' She smiled

''What if we have a sleepover a-and gossip about Tim while he's asleep–'' I giggled

Clockwork burst out laughing. I was happy she could make me feel better. Honestly she was right, I should just wait and see how this goes. I'm just overwhelmed with bad emotions right now and not thinking straight. But if it's as bad as I think it'll be, or even worse, I'll go through with my plan and make sure Tim doesn't want to be roommates anymore.

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