Chapter 15: Toby caught sneaking out again, how 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔

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It was never fun getting caught. But I didn't care that much tonight. I had fun with Kage. Yeah, fun. My arms were crossed, I was slouching in the chair, bouncing with my right foot. I turned my head to look at Kagekao. He had his legs crossed. The black face on the white part of his mask was showing in a frown. I could tell he was agitated, he'd rather drink wine or bother somebody. Kate was keeping an eye on us. Rouge had continued patrol while Hoodie was fetching Masky.

I had a bad feeling this wasn't going to end well.

I couldn't help but blame myself. When we were heading back I got distracted by the cawing of a raven. I tried to look for it with my flashlight but it was impossible. Trying to find a black bird at night? Good luck. When it suddenly stopped cawing and flew away disaster struck.

''Did you two have fun?''


A part of me wishes we'd booked it, but let's be honest. That wouldn't have worked.

She jumped down from a tree branch.

''W-We were just g-going for a strol–'' I tried to act casual

''Save it.'' She hissed

When Brian came back with Tim, I could already tell he was agitated. Being woken up in the middle of the night because of mischief I did? I pictured his hateful glare under his mask. Kate was silently watching everything.

I thought about the butterfly effect. Maybe if I ignored the raven we wouldn't have been caught. Or was I supposed to listen to it as a warning..? I was well aware of Rouge's skills. She might be our best Proxy sentry... Perhap she would've caught us either way and I'm just overthinking. You know what, I didn't like being punished but I wanted to do something back for Kage.

''This was all my i-idea, I dragged Kagekao into this. I don't know why you're keeping him here...''

''I don't care. You both broke the rules.'' Hoodie spoke

''H-How did he break the rules, he's a-allowed to leave, i'm not.''

''I know he helps you and encourages this behavior. Stop trying to cover for him.'' Masky interjected

Masky turned to Kage.

''What do you have to say hm? I'm sure you have something rehearsed.''

''It's hot seeing you all riled up like that Tim~'' Kagekao flirted

Oh we were definitely fucked now. (Not in a good way)

There was a long (uncomfortable) silence. Even if I didn't want Kage to get into trouble, I was happy he was here. He could've ditched me when we got caught... But he didn't.

''Where the hell did you two run off to this time?'' Masky asked

''We walked–'' I tried to say without laughing

''I'm gonna stop you right there. This'll be your first and last warning.''

I bit my lip trying not to laugh. Kage letting out a quiet snort wasn't helping either.

''If you think this is funny I have some bad news or you mister.''

I avoided looking at him.

''So, where were you two?'' He asked (again)

''Up your ass.'' I mumbled

Tim backhanded me.

''Wrong answer. With the next hit i'll make sure it'll draw blood.'' Masky threatened

''At an a-abandoned building sir.'' I answered


''We wanted t-to explore i-it.''

''We tell you not to sneak out, you know there are consequences. So why do it anyway hm? Are you deaf? Or braindead?''

I didn't answer.


I still refused to answer.

''Both then.''

I looked up at Tim and glared at him.

''Seems like you'll be needing a stronger form of discipline.''

Masky gave a nod at Hoodie, who then walked off to go grab something. Well, this oughta be interesting. I quickly glanced at Kagekao, he seemed a bit less agitated, currently more amused. I fought back a smile. It really was fun to get people riled up, especially working together.

I stared at whatever was in Hoodie's hand, it looked like it was made of metal... Perhaps even electronic..? Both Proxies started approaching me. It triggered my fight or flight instinct. I stood up and tried to back away but was quickly grabbed. They had trouble holding me down so Kate had to help too. Before I realized it, it was too late. They put something around my neck. It was a collar. I immediately tried to rip it off, but was met with a high voltage shock.

Masky walked over to Kage, who was now standing up in an alert state. He grabbed him by his scarf and pulled him close.

''You're a poor excuse of a demon. If we catch you hanging out with Toby again, I'll rip out your eyes and you'll become a pathetic copy of Eyless Jack. Let this be a warning for you Kagekao. Now scram.''

He left without a word. I knew he hated getting scolded. But he'd rather save himself instead of going too far and dealing with the consequences. It almost seemed like they were forbidding me to see my secret 'lover'. As if this would stop us.

''W-What the fuck is t-this thing?'' I asked in distress

''Your new tracker.'' Hoodie answered

As if my Proxy symbol wasn't bad enough.

''What the fuck?!'' I yelled in disbelief

''If you get too far away from us you'll get shocked and we get notified. We can also manually shock you.''

''I hate you–''

''Keep your hate to yourself, this is all your own fault. Don't think that was all.'' Masky cut me off. ''Training and extra Proxy duties everyday from now on.''

I sighed in annoyance.

''Starting now. You're going to stay up and mop the entire mansion.''

''At least let m-me wear a maid o-outfit.'' I mumbled

What? Had to entertain myself somehow. Maybe if I had a cute outfit I would work better... Dress for the occasion–

''Why? Not like your little boyfriend will see.'' Masky mocked

What the–

''Jealous..?'' I raised an eyebrow

Masky let out a loud laugh, ending with some coughing.

''I'd be ashamed if I were you. Now get up.''

I slowly got up and fought the urge to hook him. There's no way that he thinks I would seriously just go clean–

Masky grabbed me by the back of my neck and dragged me out of the office. Hoodie was following close behind. They took me to where we kept most of the cleaning supplies, it was near the medical room for convenience.

''I'm gonna grab a cup of coffee. I'm not going back to sleep. Watch him.''

Masky's schadenfreude with me is concerning. He really enjoys watching me suffer, and causing that suffering may I add. Had to admit, Tim calling Kage my boyfriend– The thought of him being my– The thought of me having a boyfriend, it gave me butterflies. But we're not a couple...


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