Chapter 22: Good timing

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Masky handed me a type of map and other supplies, including a ladder. Why would I need a ladder? I'm not short.

''While me and Brian are getting groceries, you're going to check all the smoke alarms.''

Okay, I'm not tall enough to reach the ceiling... I looked at the map. Each story of the mansion had the locations of smoke alarms marked. If a resident has a smoke alarm in their room they'd have to check the batteries themself. I just went to work, going on autopilot mode. I dragged the ladder with me to all the locations. Checking each smoke detector, replacing batteries if needed. Or if the new batteries didn't do the trick, make a note the wiring had to be checked. I didn't know how to do that so Tim can go fix the wires. Before I'd start a fire messing with the smoke detector. How ironic.

''Sabotaging the smoke alarms? That's kinda low.''

I didn't like the fact I was standing at the top of a ladder while Jeff was standing at the bottom. I awkwardly turned around on the ladder to look down at him.

''I was t-tasked to check the b-batteries.'' I replied

''Likely story.''

''I'm going to continue now.'' I stated while turning back around

''Is nobody babysitting you this time?'' He asked

I honestly don't know which Proxy was keeping an eye on me right now.

''Well, he's always watching.'' I replied

Why am I even replying to Jeff? I only need to focus on the smoke alarms, nothing else. He's not even a fun distraction. I would've made time for Kage, Clockwork or Jack. Not him.

''Yeah yeah your Proxy crap. The walls have eyes and ears because of the Slenderman. That's not what I meant.''

Next to the Slenderman, my tracker can be counted as me being watched. I thought he knew that. Maybe it's best that he doesn't.

''D-Don't you have a m-mission to do or something?'' I asked, annoyed he wasn't going away

Or anything productive for that matter.

''Nah, mine are mostly at night.''

On second thought, conversing with Jeff might give me some information Kage needed.

''Like, patrol?'' I asked, trying not to sound interested

''Mostly.'' He shrugged

''Do y-you have a s-standard patrol p-p-partner?''

''Well I get paired up with Liu frequently– Wait, why do you care?''

''I don't care.'' I almost snapped back at him

''Then why do you keep asking so many questions.''

''It's a h-habit.'' I shrugged

I climbed down the ladder and looked at the map. I folded the ladder and picked it up. Without even looking at Jeff or saying anything I started walking to my next location.

''You know... It would be a shame if it turns out the smoke detectors were not checked properly. Or might I say suddenly... broken?''

I stopped in my tracks. I felt my blood starting to boil. If he'd do something like that I'd have no way to defend myself. I would have no proof I wasn't the culprit. I gritted my teeth. My mind was racing. Should I just ignore him and leave? Or threaten him? The urge to hit him with the ladder was very strong.

''It would be a shame if Hoodie and Masky heard that.'' A voice chimed in

Perfect timing. We both turned to face Kate.

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