Chapter 21: Too early

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''Wow you're early.'' Clockwork smiled

''Mhm.'' I hummed without looking up

We were one of the first few who showed up for training. Jane and Helen were here too, they were having their own conversation.

''Your eyes are puffy, you don't look okay. What's going on Toby?''

''I h-had a rough night I suppose. Haven't been sleeping well.'' I shrugged

''Go on, I know there's more, tell me everything.''

''Tim found the pills and c-cigarettes I had been hiding from him. He got r-really m-m-mad. I just h-hate seeing what they do to him, so I want him to q-quit.''

''What happened next?''

''I locked myself in the bathroom. I must've fallen asleep b-because I woke up on the bathroom floor.''

I was woken up by Tim's alarm clock. Like always.

''Tim's addictions are... Difficult. It's not something you can stop so easily, even if you take the things away. If Tim wants to stop he needs to have his own motivation for it.''

''I just t-thought if he would feel better he w-would treat me better. But I guess it wouldn't change anything.''

''You should talk to him about it. Hopefully while Tim's cooled down he'll understand you didn't have bad intentions.''

''I can try.'' I shrugged

I already know he wouldn't understand.

''How's all the extra work by the way?''

''E-Exhausting, I'm busy constantly. I'm sorry we haven't hung out much.''

''Don't apologize for that, I understand. You basically have no free time and when you do you're bone-tired. Or you're not allowed.''

I still felt guilty for having more interactions with Kagekao than with one of my friends. Well he did come to me a lot. I didn't exactly actively seek him out all the time– I should make time for Clockwork too, if the Proxies let me.

''I feel like there's more.'' She said in a worried tone

She knows me too well. I could think of lots of things to complain and vent about but there was indeed something else. Despite things spreading fast around here, I trust Clockwork. Even if the word did spread, I don't care anymore. I'm too dead tired to give a damn.

''I don't think I'm s-straight. A-At least not fully. It's been messing with my head.'' I hesitantly admitted

I know I've been messing around with Kage for a while now (and enjoying it). Still it's a big deal for me to suddenly question my sexuality. I've never questioned it or frankly thought about it up until a few weeks ago. No experience with relationships, nobody has ever had a crush on me. Even if they did, they didn't show it. I didn't have a crush on anybody either. (As far as i'm aware). I'm new to this part of myself.

''Oh my gosh Toby!?!?!?'' She giggled with excitement

I didn't feel comfortable talking about my situation I have with Kage yet. The whole ordeal still has me confused. Technically we're not in a relationship. Friends with benefits perhaps..? I haven't talked about it with him.

''SHUSH–'' I smiled, feeling my face heating up from embarrassment

''That's so cute!! Since when did you figure it out?? Or well you're still figuring things out... I mean– Wait, do you have a crush on anybody??!''

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