Chapter 8: Useless argument

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''What the hell are you two doing?''

Kagekao and I were startled by the sudden appearance of Eyeless Jack. We quickly looked at each other before looking back at Jack. Our night could go wrong so I was starting to feel a bit nervous.

''Oh nothing!~'' Kagekao said casually with a giggle

As if we weren't watching a hoodie and toothbrush go up in flames–

''We're burning Jeff's stuff.'' I said with a huge grin

Kage punched my shoulder. I just laughed, remembering the shoe he threw.

''Oh, in that case it's fine.''

''Wait really?'' I smiled

''Yeah. I don't like Jeff. As long as you put out the fire. I don't want you two to start a forest fire.''

Kagekao chuckled.

''What's so funny.'' E.J asked

''Tell what we did Kage.'' I nudged

Kagekao told what we had done and Jack burst out laughing. I thought that was cute, I haven't heard him laugh before.

''I can imagine the coconut sound when the shoe hit his empty head.''

Now I burst out laughing, Kagekao frantically giggled. Jack also laughed a bit.

''Alright well, I'm tired from my night out.''

''Watch out for Jeff.'' I joked

''I will definitely avoid him at all costs, at all times.'' E.J sighed

''A necessity.'' Kage commented

''Yes.'' I agreed

''Put out the fire when you're done and we're cool, okay guys?''

''Of course~'' Kage smiled

''Will do.'' I answered

We watched Jack disappear back into the darkness. I'm glad it was him instead of a Proxy or Jeff. We shouldn't stick around for too long now that I think about it. Even though the fire wasn't that big, it still brought attention. E.J probably only approached us because of the fire. I thought about him laughing again and smiled.

''What's got you blushing?'' Kagekao asked

''W-What? I'm not blushing.''

''You seriously like fire that much?'' He teased

''No s-shut up.'' I mumbled

He just laughed.

I was wide awake staring at the ceiling. I never knew I would be so sensitive to sound. When it rains or there's a thunderstorm at night, I don't mind. But snoring. I can't handle it.
After the fire had died down we put it out and went our separate ways. I went back to my room, to try and fall asleep again. With no avail. The whole messing with Jeff ordeal hadn't made me tired enough to sleep through the snores. Honestly it might've just woken me up fully because of the rush of adrenaline and fun I was having. What can you do against snoring? I could wake him up, sleep somewhere else, wear earplugs... or I could tape his mouth shut– Two of those options might lead to my death, the other two are more safe. I'll ask Nurse Anne if we have earplugs in our medical storage tomorrow when I'm awake.

Oh wait.

I almost wanted to laugh (but also cry). Alright so, I know I'm not supposed to leave the room after 9 PM unless I have permission (ignoring the times I sneaked out) but... I can't fucking sleep, no harm in seeing if Nurse Anne is awake and asking her something... In a way it's medical related... Yeah! Who knows, I finally might be able to have a normal night of sleep tonight. I got out of bed (again) and quickly put on some comfy clothes. Then I quietly made my way downstairs...

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