Chapter 13: First meeting them

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A flashback to meeting Hoodie and Masky...

''W-Who the hell a-are you two?'' I asked

Both masked men silently stared at me. I had woken up in an empty room, tied to a chair. Was I kidnapped? This wasn't the police.

''Answer me fuckers.'' I hissed

The guy with the black and white mask turned his head to the taller masked guy beside him and finally spoke. His voice was deep.

''What do you think?''

The taller male didn't reply.



''Hey! Don't ignore me.'' I yelled

Black and white mask guy turned his head back to me.

''Toby right?''

I decided not to ask how he knows that.

''Yeah.'' I hesitantly answered

''Shut the fuck up.''

Okay damn– Wait I didn't want to listen, I wanted answers! I opened my mouth to snap back but I was cut off.

''Let's talk elsewhere.'' The taller guy finally spoke.

His voice was softer. Still deep, but less monotone than the other guy. I wondered why they wore masks. It gave cult vibes. Wait, don't cult members wear the same mask? I have no clue. I watched them leave the room. The shorter guy mumbled something but I couldn't hear clearly because of his mask. I wanted to flip them off but that was hard seeing as how I'm tied to a chair. Stereotypically, I tried to wiggle free, or at least see if one of my restraints was a bit loose. But it was no use.




They returned the next day. After a silent (awkward) staredown the black and white masked guy walked up to me.

''Tell me what you remember before you woke up here.''


I'm not sure. I haven't thought about it. My mind feels a bit... blank? I remember seeing those two yesterday. Before that I was running. Yeah, I was running away, through the forest, because I...

Set the house on fire after I killed my dad.


I wonder if my mom is looking for me now. I don't think I can see her again after what I've done. I feel bad for her, but I don't feel bad for what I've done. That night she had a night shift. I was home alone with dad. Something inside me just snapped. I had enough. It almost felt like I was being controlled. Or at least pushed to do it. Then something told me to run to the forest, so I did. My memory is fuzzy after that.

I don't think it's a coincidence I ended up here.

''I b-bet you already know.'' I answered

''Smarter than you act like.''

''Fuck you.'' I hissed

We stared at each other. I noticed his eyes. Before, shadows caused it to look like his eyes were just empty sockets. Now I can clearly see his brown eyes. He turned around to the tall guy who was standing in the door opening. The guy with the black mask with an upset red face gave a hand signal ushering the other guy to continue.

''Do you regret it?'' He asked




''We won't punish you for killing him. In fact, here you get rewarded for killing people. As long as it's the target you got assigned. You have no choice kid. You're staying with us, or you'll be killed yourself.''

''Can't I get fucked in prison?''

There was an uncomfortable long silence. It almost made me laugh. I just couldn't take all of this seriously. Random masked strangers, kidnapping me, wanting to reward me for killing..?

Great so either I die or stay with these randos. Seems like fun options. I glared at them. Who the hell do they think they are anyway?

''He sure has the bark, you think he has the bite?'' The shorter masked man asked the taller one

''I think he does. Only one way of knowing for sure.'' He replied

''He'll need a lot of discipline.''

''Let's see what it thinks.''

They both approached me and... untied me..? Wait, that caught me off guard, what should I do now– Before I could even think of some sort of plan they each grabbed one of my arms and dragged me with them.

''Where the h-hell are you two taking me now?''

''You'll see.'' One answered

We had to go up some stairs and walk through a few hallways. There was no use trying to wiggle free, damn were they strong. This place seemed like a maze, what even was this place? I did my best to look around and mentally take notes of the surroundings. Everything just looked the same. Hallways, doors, occasional windows. Everytime I looked outside I could see trees. Was this place located in a forest..? Eventually we stopped in front of a door, it was large and looked important. This must be where their boss is located, guessing they have a boss.

The black and white mask guy let me go and opened the door. I was dragged inside by the taller guy. He shoved me and I stumbled forward. I quickly turned to him to give him a glare. I noticed both standing perfectly next to each other behind me.

''There you are, Toby''

I slowly turned around. Sitting at a huge desk was... A faceless man. Was it even a man? I saw a white head lacking any facial features, it was a humanoid wearing a black suit. The proportions were wrong. It was extremely tall and thin. I could tell the arms were unproportionate compared to its body, way too long even for the tall stature. How was it able to talk without a mouth..? Scrap that, was this even real?! This whole ordeal already seemed strange, almost like a fever dream, but this. I really have gone insane. Maybe I died in the house fire, or was comatose.

I had to admit I was scared. Looking directly at that faceless creature struck me with a primal fear. Yet strangely, there was something familiar about him, or his presence.

''I have chosen you to become my newest Proxy.''


There was so much more I wanted to say or ask, but that was the only thing I could muster out.

''You were in need of help, so I brought you here. Now you can stay with us and be safe. I can sense you have the determination i'm looking for.''

I was still lost. What did this creature want from me? What even is it?! What made it think I wanted to stay here. That guy said I had no choice, to me it seems like they chose for me. I could've died in the house fire, could've been arrested, I could've run away. But I have no place to go. I'll get out of this, somehow.

''You'll be trained by my other Proxies. I would appreciate your compliance, it would make things easier for all of us Toby.''

I really don't get a say or choice in this, do I?

We'll see about that.

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