Chapter 16: Usefull checkup

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''You're going to get a medical checkup. Follow me.'' The masked man stated

''S-Since when a-are you guys professional?''

I didn't get a response.

''You s-suddenly care about my health?''

''We just need to know if you can be useful.'' He replied


Masky led me to a medical room. Somebody was waiting inside. They were tall, were wearing black clothes, hood up, and a mask. The mask was dark blue with two black circles for eyes with a black substance leaking from the sockets.

''This is Eyeless Jack. You can call him Jack for short.''

Oh I get it, eyeless because his mask makes it look like he doesn't have eyes. Very creative. Just like Masky and Hoodie.

''Undress.'' Masky commanded

''E-Excuse me?''

''You heard me.'' Masky stated

''I'm n-not going to undress infront of you f-fuckers.'' I scoffed

''It's for the medical checkup. Undress or we'll take matters into our own hands.'' Masky warned

''Don't tempt me.'' I sarcastically smiled

Masky uncrossed his arms and made his hands into fists. I smirked. Then he started walking towards me. I quickly unzipped my hoodie.

''Geez fine...'' I mumbled

He stopped approaching. I didn't want to undress but forcefully being undressed by these guys would've been worse. Or kinda hot I don't know....

''I'm keeping on the b-boxers. You creeps aren't getting a free show.''

I could feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Undressing in front of a bunch of weirdos, just great. I hate it when people see my bare body, especially ones I don't know, like, or trust. The Jack guy did typical medical check up things, it was surpringling professional. He noted my weight, height, took a blood sample, asked me questions, checked on my body and joints. It made me uncomfortable. I didn't know their true intentions. Need to know if I can be useful... What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

''Well, the c.i.p.a could be a problem. Or a bonus. Depends on how you view it.'' Jack sighed

''I knew there was something– Dammit.'' Masky cursed under his breath

How does he know..? He must be a really good doctor. Not that... all my wounds, scars and bruises didn't raise any suspicions. Still I thought I could hide it. I don't like people knowing what's wrong with me. Not exactly proud of it.

''Mind if I study him a bit more? I could find more useful information.'' Eyeless Jack interjected.

Study..?! Was I an experiment?

''Very well. Might be good if Ann and Smiley take a look at him too later.'' The masked man sighed

''I have a n-n-name you know...'' I mumbled

Masky walked off. Did he just ignore me?! Okay anyways.

''C-Can I p-put my clothes back on?''

''Yes go ahead.''


I quickly put my clothes back on.

''I noticed you were dehydrated.'' Jack commented

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