Chapter 5: Training day

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I was driving alone in the forest. It was dark. I didn't know where I was headed. I tried to stop the car but no matter what I did, it kept driving. I started hearing sounds around the car. It almost sounded like something was following the car. There was something occasionally scratching and banging on the side of the car. I was too afraid to look, I kept looking straight ahead. The car was going too fast for my comfort, but it just kept speeding up out of my control.
Something appeared in the headlights. I hit the brakes but they didn't work. I gave the steering wheel a huge swerve but still crashed into whatever had appeared in front of the car. Blood covered the windshield.

I woke up in a panicked state. A tiny bit of light was shining through the curtains. I looked at my digital clock, it was 6:39 AM. Tim's alarm clock will go off soon. I didn't bother trying to fall back asleep. I just waited.


I opened the medicine cabinet. There were some normal toiletry items you'd expect to find in a bathroom. Also a bottle of pills. I stared at the bottle of pills. Without thinking twice I slowly reached my hand towards it and grabbed it. I looked at the small see-through orange bottle with a white lid and white label. He doesn't need this many pills. I walked out of the bathroom and went over to my dresser. I hid the bottle of pills in one of my drawers.
It was training day. I've been skipping out on my training so I wasn't looking forward to it. We've already had breakfast. Masky was at the training ground, setting things up. Doing things he always does. All I needed to do was grab my gear.

I hope he forgets about me.

I put on my shoes and headed to the training ground. A raven started following me which was rather odd. I wonder if it was a pet. At one point I even stopped and held out my hand to try and see if it would land on my hand. But it just stared. So I stared back. Who knows, the raven could be a Proxy spy keeping tabs on me..? It isn't too far-fetched. I haven't seen a normal animal act like that before.
A group of people was already there. Of course including Hoodie and Masky to keep tabs on everybody. I wanted to walk up to Clockwork but Tim put himself between me and her.

''You're late. No talking with Clockwork. Go to your spot and start with your training. I'll check up on you in a bit.''

I gritted my teeth.

''Got that Toby?''

''Yes sir.''

I walked to my spot, moping. I started with warm ups and stretching. Then I started with my training.
I threw my hatchets to the target. I retrieved them, and threw them again. That's how it went for a while.

''Nice work. You're actually training.''

I didn't even look at Masky, I just continued and hoped he would leave. He put his hand on my shoulder.

''I don't like you being late. As a Proxy you should act better. Being on time is also a rule.''

''Yeah yeah whatever...'' I mumbled

''Don't 'whatever' me Rogers. You have no reason to give me attitude.''

I momentarily stopped to look at him. I was playing with fire and I was aware of that. The problem with me... I've always liked to play with fire. Masky can produce a shit ton of heat because of how much of a hothead he is. I smiled under my mouth guard. He couldn't see so I wasn't afraid to secretly mock him right in front of his face.

''Second time you're late you'll have to train for a week straight.''

My smile faded, I didn't find that funny. Training once or twice, maybe even three times a week was already a chore. Next training I'll be on time, but not too early, I hate waiting. I do like pushing the limits.

''Got it.'' I nodded

Masky soon left to patrol the rest of the training grounds.

I threw the second hatchet. A twitch made my neck crack and it threw me off. The hatchet flew by the target, landing somewhere in the bushes. Great, now I have to go retrieve it. On my way looking for a needle in a haystack. More like a hatchet in the bushes but whatever– Hey, guess I have an excuse to stop training for a bit. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my sleeve. I went over to the bushes and started looking for my hatchet.

As a Proxy you should act better.

I mocked his words in my head. What an asshole remark. As if I chose to be a Proxy. I'm not fit to be a Proxy. No matter the training, no matter the time, I'm not Proxy material. I've always wondered what the faceless man saw in me. There's nothing to see in me. I'm just a worthless void of nothingness. He probably just sees me as an easy target. I honestly don't know.
I noticed the raven watching me again. I thought it was strange the bird was alone. Most times raven's have company of a few others. Or was that crows? I mean– they're both corvids.... Perhaps it likes being alone. That makes two of us. No actually, let me rephrase that. I like my own space but I feel alone. I let out a sigh of relief when I found my hatchet. I'd honestly rather not lose it. Both my hatchets are a part of me and they make me feel safe. I continued with my training until it was time for dinner.

The raven followed me to the backdoor of the mansion. I just waved it goodbye and liked to think I made a new friend. If it shows up everytime I have to train I would dislike training a bit less. A nice thought to have a companion watching over me. I quickly made my way to the bathroom so I could shower before dinner. I was exhausted and drenched in sweat. Today's weather was really nice, which didn't help me cool off. After my cold shower I layed on my bed and waited for Tim, he also wanted to take a shower. It felt great to be dressed in comfy clothes again. I didn't have to wait long, Tim always takes quick showers. We went downstairs together to grab dinner. There were people in the kitchen already.
I put a bit of food on my plate. I wasn't in the mood for eating, only sleeping. I was stressed and very tired.

''That's barely a meal. Don't avoid the greens Toby.'' Tim scolded me

''I don't want those.'' I mumbled

''You better eat your vegetables, your body needs them, they're healthy. Especially after training day you could use extra fuel.''

Tim grabbed my plate and put more food on it, including the vegetables I avoided. I wanted to stop him and snatch my plate back but stopped when I heard an awful cackle.

''Hahhaha! You don't even want to eat your greens. Are you sure you're 19? Does baby Toby also need to be spoon fed?'' Jeff mocked me

What an asshole. I glared at him. Not in the mood to deal with his shit (I never am-)... I was ready to snap at him, even ready to throw hands actually. I opened my mouth to say something back. Even if it was something like cursing at him, telling him to shut up. But before I could say something Tim spoke up.

''You better watch running your mouth like that Woods. Get the hell out of the kitchen before I beat your ass. You're not even supposed to be here.'' Masky warned

I could tell Jeff was biting his tongue. He wanted to snap back so bad but knew the consequences if he did. Disrespecting a Proxy, especially a high ranked one like Tim isn't tolerated.
While Jeff was leaving the kitchen I gave him a smile. I could see the hate in his eyes. When he left, Tim let out an agitated sigh. In a way, he stood up for me... I looked at my plate, then I looked at the food.
I grabbed the serving spoon for the greens and put extra on my plate. Then I went to sit down and silently ate my dinner. Tim soon joined me with his own dinner. I cleaned my plate.

Where the wolves go, ravens follow (Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now