Chapter 9: Just a fever

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''Toby. Get up. You have five minutes to get ready for breakfast.'' Masky ordered

''Give m-me a minute...'' I groaned

After talking I immediately coughed up a storm. I started to feel really nauseous and sat up. When I tried to stand I fell to my hands and knees.

''Shit- Toby are you alright?'' Masky asked

''I'm f-fine.''

''Do you need help getting up?''

''N-No, I'm fine.''

When I tried to get up I almost passed out. Tim quickly helped me sit me down on my bed.

''I t-think i'm gonna be s-sick.'' I said with a bit of panic

He helped me to the bathroom and I threw up as soon as I was hanging over the toilet. I heard Masky curse under his breath.

''Did you eat anything bad perhaps?''

''No, at least n-not that I know of. I t-think it's just a fever.''

''Alright. Well, you can't train in this condition. I'll help you back to bed so you can rest.''

I didn't like being sick, I felt completely miserable, but it sure was nice to skip training day and sleep in. I was laying on top of my covers because of how high my body temperature was. Masky had put a glass of water on my nightstand but I didn't have the strength to sit up and grab it. Instead I just fell back asleep and woke up about three hours later. No idea what time it was, and I didn't really care. Carefully I sat up in bed, which was harder than I thought. But after a few seconds of sitting I was fine. I drank the water and coughed violently after. My body was really confusing me, next to still being nauseous I was a bit hungry. I'm sure a light breakfast wouldn't hurt, I'll just try eating a slice of bread, my stomach should be okay with that. Right..? Walking down the stairs was really scary, I held onto the handrail for dear life. My legs were shaking and I had to stop every minute to take a break to prevent myself from passing out. Somehow, I managed to make it to the kitchen, I honestly surprised myself with that. Eyeless Jack was also in the kitchen. He looked up at me, probably confused as to why I was stumbling into the kitchen dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants while it was training day. I tried to hide my face. I quickly grabbed a plate but almost passed out because of my sudden quick movements. I held the kitchen counter while trying to stay calm. My breathing was really ragged and my whole body was shaking.

''Toby are you okay?'' Jack called out

My vision started to blur and my body felt really heavy.

''I'm fine.'' I blurted out

I wasn't strong enough. Everything went black.




When I woke up again I noticed I was laying in a bed, I turned my head to the side and saw a nightstand with an empty glass on top. It was my nightstand. So I was in my room, or well, Tim's room, our room? I was still confused on what to call it. A small noise grabbed my attention, it was the sound of paper, not sure how else to describe it. I forced myself to sit up a bit to see the source of the sound. Masky was sitting at his desk, busy with paperwork.


He looked up from his paperwork and turned his head to me.

''Well you sure gave us a good scare. Why the hell did you go downstairs?''

''I was h-hungry... What happened?''

''You passed out and Jack brought you to my room. He then informed me and Hoodie about what happened. I decided to work in my room to keep an eye on you.''


''How are you feeling?''

''Sick and hungry.''

Tim stared at me in silence.

''I know that sounds stupid.'' I added

''Are you sure you can eat solid food without throwing up?''

''P-Pretty sure, but I wanted to eat something l-light of course. Just a slice of bread was my plan.''

''Okay, just in case I'll bring a bucket too. I'll be right back, stay in your bed.''

''I'm sorry.'' I said softly

''For what exactly?'' Tim asked

''I didn't want to g-get sick.''

''That's not your fault.''

I could eat the slice of bread without throwing up but didn't want to test my limit. So I just slept for the rest of the day, at least I tried to, I woke up constantly because of my high temperature. Next to that my fever caused me to have nightmares. Kept waking up drenched in sweat and in a panicked state. I wanted to shower but I couldn't even stand up let alone walk without passing out.

I thought about earlier today when I passed out in the kitchen. Jack saw it. That was rather embarrassing. He also brought me to my room. I was unconscious when he carried me. Imagine if I was still conscious, or if I woke up when I was in his arms. That would've been more embarrassing. Now I'm curious though, kinda sad it didn't happen.

I had one of those annoying dry coughs. An itch in the back of my throat kept triggering me to cough up a storm. Tim brought me water and cough syrup. I felt like it didn't help much though. Almost as if my body wanted to be sick. The coughing was the worst part of it next to sleeping even less than before. Everytime I had a coughing fit I couldn't stop coughing until I hurled. It's been awful.




Masky was standing in front of me. I swiftly looked around, but there wasn't much to look at. We were out in the forest with a strange black mist. Weird. I walked up to him.


No response, so I kept approaching. When I was closer I opened my mouth to call out to him again. He suddenly raised his hand as if he wanted to hit me. I flinched and took a protective stance, closing my eyes. Nothing hit me. That's odd. I opened my eyes and saw he had disappeared. Now standing a few feet in front of me was Hoodie. His mask was wrong, it had a smile instead of a frown. I walked towards him, but the closer I got the further away he got. I tried walking backwards but that didn't have any different effect.


He lifted his mask, revealing a frown. Strange, it's supposed to be the opposite. The black mist engulfed him, leaving me alone.

I heard laughing behind me, it echoed through the trees. I didn't need to see who it was to know, it was Kagekao, but I still turned around. His mask was also wrong. Both the black and white side were frowning. This was starting to freak me out. Kagekao's laughter started to circle around me until it got so loud I had to cover my ears.

When I woke up from my nightmare I was breathing heavily and drenched in sweat. I felt disgusting. The familiar (almost comforting) noise of Tim's snoring filled the room again. At least I was awake. Back in the real life nightmare of having a fever. I tried to look on the bright side, like a nightmare, it will eventually stop.

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