Chapter 6: Hair cut

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''Sit still.'' Clockwork complained

''I'm trying.'' I sighed

It's always nerve wracking when somebody cuts my hair. My occasional twitches could end up in disaster if we're not careful. With disaster mostly being an ugly haircut actually. Same with shaving. It's necessary, but also a bit scary sometimes. I'm still thankful for the fact I was allowed to have a shaver instead of a razor. With razors I kept accidentally cutting myself. Cuts on, well, um, private parts, are extremely unpleasant. It just messes me up mentally. Despite not feeling the sting of it, it just freaks me out to see a bleeding cut on my–

''How about green hair?''

''What?! No what the hell.'' I giggled

''A different color then?''


''Why not? I think you'd rock dyed hair.''

''I like my hair c-color. Besides, I don't have the patience to maintain dyed hair.'' I explained

''It's not that hard–''

''How would you know? You don't even have dyed hair.''

''I've had in the past.''

''Really?? I didn't know that.''

''I never told.'' She giggled

I never really thought about dying my hair. I already stick out like a sore thumb, colorful hair would just be the cherry on top of sticking out. The last thing I want is to stick out even more. Although I had to admit I was a bit curious on how I would look with unnatural colored hair. Either a dark color or partially dyed hair. Pastel or neon hair also sounds tempting. There are a lot of different options. Still I don't think I will be dipping my hair I mean toe in the hair dye world anytime soon.


Clockwork handed me a small mirror. I smiled.

''It looks good!! Thank you.''

''Another slay what can I say?''

I burst out laughing. She joined me.

''Anyways i'll help y-you clean up.'' I smiled

A twitch accidentally made me drop the mirror. It shattered. The fact this wasn't my own mirror made me feel horrible. I hate how my twitches could cause me to break something.

''I'm sorry Clockwork I d-didn't mean to. I'll get you a new one I promise.'' I apologized

''Hey it's okay, you can't do anything about that. Don't worry about getting me a new one, I have plenty.''

''A-Are you sure?''

''Yeah, I have a few small mirrors.'' She shrugged

I picked up the small mirror and stared at my broken reflection.

''I just feel really bad about b-breaking your mirror.''

She ruffled my hair and reassured me again. I helped her clean up all the hair that had fallen on the ground. Afterwards we talked about random things. Our friendship always amazes me, Clockwork amazes me actually. Despite being a killer she's nice to me. When we hang out I feel like a normal person.
Masky suddenly stormed into the room. Me and Clockwork almost got a heart attack. We both looked at him, confused but also a bit afraid.

''Do you know what time it is?'' He asked

He sounded agitated. Not sure why though. I looked at Clockwork's alarm.

''It's 8:30 PM...'' I answered

''It's 9:30.'' He corrected

''No it's not.'' I protested

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