Chapter 18: Introductions

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A flashback...

I looked around the kitchen. It was big. Fitting, this was a really big house, no scrap that, a freaking mansion. It reminded me of a manor and weirdly, a hotel. I was slowly being shown around the place. This time only Hoodie was with me. We were alone. It was night. There were some supplies on the counter. The masked man pointed to it.

''Make scrambled eggs.''

I raised an eyebrow.


''You know how to, right?''

''Yes, but why?''

''Just do as I say.''

I sighed and decided to oblige. I put the pan on the stovetop and turned on the stove. After it was hot I put in a bit of oil and cracked two eggs. With a wooden spoon I scrambled the eggs together.

''Where are the spices? Or any other extra herbs, I d-don't care. Also do you have b-bacon?''

The masked man went over to a drawer and grabbed a few bottles, then he put them on the counter.

''No bacon this time.''

''Alright.'' I mumbled

I put a few spices and herbs on the scrambled eggs.

''You want toast with that?''

''Yeah, sure.'' I replied, not really processing what he asked actually

He grabbed bread and put it in the toaster, meanwhile the man grabbed a plate. I wasn't sure what to do so I just watched him. I had to admit the smell was making me hungry.

Hoodie put the toast on the plate and put it beside me.

''Now you eat.''

Oh. I was making this for myself. Well okay, I don't mind. I put the scrambled eggs on the toast and went to the dining area to sit down. He sat down across from me. I eagerly ate my meal. Even if I had to take my gash into consideration with each bite... In between taking bites of my meal I shot glances at the person across from me. Unlike the other masked guy I couldn't see his eyes. His black mask with a red face hid every feature of his face. I wonder why they wore masks. Who are they trying to hide from? We're in the middle of the forest. I've had so many questions since that medical checkup. No scrap that, since I got here. Yet after each answer I get more questions. I hope I can talk to Jack again. He seemed to give me more genuine answers. Everything these Proxies say sound scripted.

''You guys have a weird c-cooking school system. Kidnapping people to make them cook..?'' I joked sarcastically

Had to cope with this uncanny and frankly traumatizing situation somehow... He laughed shortly but quickly silenced himself again.

''Being a Proxy is more than what it might appear. The Slenderman is our boss but we help keep order in this place. We have to take care of everybody, in a sense.''

''Take c-care as in murder–''


Hoodie took a deep breath.

''We make sure nobody causes trouble with each other. If they do, we punish them. Proxies cook meals, get supplies, do groceries, fix problems, organize training sessions, make schedules, patrol, assign missions of course also go on missions.''

I raised an eyebrow.

''So we're hotel staff.''

''Everybody has to pull their own weight in their own way. A few trusted non-Proxies also have their own special tasks. Specifically our medically trained inhabitants. Besides, nobody wants to live in a mess of a place. So we all try our best to keep everything clean and in good shape. For most people anyway...''

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