Chapter 14: Exploring...

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''Absolutely not.'' Hoodie stated

''Why not?!'' I asked

''Because I said so.''

''Give me a proper answer. You t-think i'm not ready for night shifts or something??''

''Obviously you aren't ready, besides you have bad intentions.''

''Wanting t-to do Proxy night shifts is having bad intentions..? Pretty sure the Slenderman w-wants me to–''

''Don't bring him into this. Do I really need to spell it out for you? You see it as a fun night out, so you can sneak out and do whatever you want.''

''Literally how?! I'll be together with s-somebody the entire time. I work better at night anyway. Besides, I can't even s-sleep at night.''

''You're exaggerating, I still don't trust you on night shifts with how your behavior has been lately.''

''How about helping Jack at night? He mentioned he could use help with–''

''I'm sure Ann or Smiley could help him.'' Brian cut me off

Even when I don't have bad intentions I'm not even allowed to do things. This is making my blood boil. They're making everything worse. I was literally coming up with solutions!! I glared at Hoodie. Although I don't think it was visible. I was wearing my goggles and mouth guard.

''This conversation is over. Go back to training.''

After he left I absolutely destroyed the target out of rage. If I can't get my rest I'll become an even bigger nuisance to them.

I'll show him bad intentions.




''Kate, Brian and Rouge are patrolling.''

''Oh you gotta be kidding–''

''Seems like they really upgraded their nightly patrols to keep tabs on you. We have to be careful. There are eyes and ears everywhere, eager to tell on us.''

''So, what's the plan?''

''I know a window we can sneak out of, with luck we can avoid them. I've been trying to study their patrolling pattern but it hasn't been easy, they keep switching it up.''

Thanks to unknown residents ratting us out, the other Proxies put two and two together that Kagekao joins me in sneaking away. We're not the only ones awake at night of course. Now they're keeping tabs on him too, not as extreme as with me, but he'll still raise suspicion. We were in my old room. When I came back from training I found a note in my dresser when I wanted to grab fresh clothes. The note was from Kagekao, telling me to meet him in my old room at midnight. I jokingly thought it was kind of romantic. There was an abandoned building he wanted to explore with me, thinking it'd be fun together instead of looking alone.

''Alright, let's test our luck tonight.'' I smiled

''If it wasn't a challenge, it wouldn't have been fun~''

''Damn right.'' I chuckled

I followed Kagekao to the room he had mentioned. I knew the room, although I don't visit it often, it was a small library. Honestly I should come here more. It's peaceful and cozy. Kage opened the window and gracefully climbed out, after a few seconds he popped his head back in and motioned me to follow. Now for the hard part, not getting caught. We quietly sneaked away from the mansion.




''By the way... What's going on with you and Tim? You two married now?~'' He teased.''

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