Chapter 17: Mop(p)ing

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I could be learning to drive. I could be hanging out with Clockwork. I could be causing mischief with Kage. I could be laying in my bed. Yet I'm stuck cleaning. I'm bored. I hate having to entertain myself with just my thoughts.

Proxies always need to be in the utmost shape. They have advanced training sessions, work out a lot and get the best food. Non Proxes need to train too. The Slenderman tries to make use of everybody. If you want to live here you must develop skills to be useful in case you're needed. I've never taken it too seriously, but don't exactly slack off either. I want to stay in shape so I can kick somebody's ass, but don't feel the need to be fully dedicated to my Proxy role... Lately though, I'm forced to do more and do better.

Now next to all these stupid chores I have to do, I'm getting a taste of what it's like to train as a higher ranked Proxy. Not a fan. I can't imagine how all the others can keep up that routine. The 'maid' parts of my punishment are incredibly boring. Yet as monotonous as this was, at least it was nice and quiet.

''What are you doing?'' Jeff asked

Spoke too soon.

''W-What does it look like dumbass..?'' I mumbled


''Why aren't you s-shutting up?''

I continued mopping.

''What's with the collar? Is it a fetish thing?'' Jeff asked

''You turned on?'' I teased

''Ew no. You're the freak wearing it.''

''I was f-f-forced to.''

''Don't make it weirder, I don't need to know about your submission kink.''

''T-Then stop a-asking..?''

''I heard it shocks him.'' Liu smirked

''It keeps getting freakier huh.''

I'm always surprised how fast things spread around here. No gossip or secret is safe. Not that my shock collar was a hidden secret... Everybody can see it around my neck. Why'd they have to go for the neck– Don't trackers go around ankles? I would've chewed off my leg to get it off if they put it around my ankle. Okay maybe I understand now...

''Wait, shock. Does it get triggered when you're being too much of a little bitch or...?'' Jeff asked mockingly

Liu laughed.

''No.'' I bluntly replied

I didn't want to get punished for not finishing my chores because of these pricks. I tried to ignore them. Jeff kicked my bucket, making water spill all over the floor. OH YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING– He desperately wanted to provoke me. The collar is not tied to emotion, but he's too dumb to understand that. Who am I kidding, shock collar or not he would've done this anyway. I gave them both a death stare. They didn't care, they just laughed. I flipped them off when they walked away. I put the bucket upright again and mopped all the water back into the bucket.

I wonder what Hoodie or Masky would've done in this situation. Or anybody else for that matter. Nobody would've let them walk away like that. I'm a Proxy for fuck's sake! I just didn't have the energy to deal with both of them. Even if I would've punched em both I would be the one to get in trouble...

You know on second thought, I don't mind the extra Proxy training. I think it's time I get some respect. Next time I'll cripple them for disrespecting me like that. I don't care if I'll get in trouble because of it. I'll play good for the Proxies, do what they say, but don't take shit from anybody else. I think with that technique I'll balance out my scolding. (Hopefully–) It took longer to finish cleaning the floor because of my interaction with the Woods brothers and I still had more chores to do.




I was helping Masky in the garage now. He was tinkering with the car. There was a special scrub for grease that I needed to clean some tools. It could be described as a grainy soap. I've used it before, it feels weird but gets the job done. I pulled on the lip to open the packaging but it broke off. I tried to pry it open with my hands but it didn't budge.


Masky handed me a pocket knife. I tried again and I still had trouble. I repositioned my hand to get a better grip and pried harder. As soon as the lid popped off the knife slipped because of the pressure I put on it, slicing my hand in the process.

''Dammit Toby.'' Masky cursed under his breath

Droplets of blood fell on the floor. Masky grabbed a tissue and gave it to me. I put it on top of the cut.

''Go see Jack.'' He ordered

I went to the medical room and looked for E.J. He was currently somewhere else, instead Smiley was there.

''Oh, Toby. What brings you here?'' He asked

''I was looking for J-Jack, I have a cut on my hand.''

''Ah I see. Well I can help you.''

Smiley grabbed some supplies and attended to my wound.

''I heard you have to do a lot of extra work. You know, I could use some extra help here.''

As if I get to decide that. Besides, when I had asked if I could help E.J during the night I wasn't allowed...

''Masky and Hoodie d-decide w-what I have to do.'' I replied

''Alright, i'll propose it to them.''

What could he possibly need help with..?

''Uhh, okay.'' I shrugged

Dr Smiley gently grabbed my chin and turned my head to the side.

''I've always liked how your teeth show. Makes it look like you're smiling. Take good care of them. Wouldn't want that pretty smile ruined.''

He ran his finger across my jawline.

''...Sure. I'll report b-back to Masky n-n-now.''

He just hummed in response, intently staring at me. I quickly left. Even though Masky ordered me to be back as soon as I was patched up, I needed a minute alone. I went outside on the porch. I was the only one there. I rubbed my eyes and took a deep breath, then blankly stared at the trees.

I noticed a bit of movement in the corner of my eye. It was a black feather on the porch, gently being moved by the wind. I walked over to pick it up. I studied it. An unmistakable noise made me look up. There was a raven sitting on the porch railing. How..? It wasn't there a minute ago and I didn't even hear the fluttering of wings. It cawed again before flying away. I put the feather in my pocket and decided to go back inside.

After all, Masky was waiting for me.

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