Chapter 12: Some sort of date..?

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I wasn't in the mood to lay wide awake in bed all night so I got up and got dressed. Making sure to grab a small flashlight with me just in case. I'll go for a walk, or some fresh air in general. Even though Tim was sleeping, I still had to avoid others. I sneaked downstairs, making sure to hide when I heard voices. With luck I got to the backdoor without getting caught. I forgot how great it felt to just sneak out without anybody knowing where I was or where I was going. I should just do that each night. Who's going to stop me..? Mister snore wasn't going to wake up until his alarm went off. That's plenty of time for me. For once I found something positive in his snoring, I could know when he's asleep for sure.

I opened the backdoor and stepped outside. I breathed in the cold night air, it was refreshing, it felt free. Since it was around spring (I think..? the seasons confuse me sometimes) the nights weren't as cold as the winter ones. Which was perfectly fine. I just walked in a straight line through the forest. I wasn't worried about getting lost, I never get lost. As a Proxy I'm pretty sure you can't get lost. The symbol always directs you back to the mansion, in some weird creepy way. I just kept walking with no goal.

''Sneaking out again?~''

I'll never understand how Kagekao does that. Just suddenly appear somewhere. There definitely weren't any footsteps following me. I shrugged and continued walking. I was tired, I honestly didn't feel like interacting with anybody.

''I need you for something.''

''Can't you do it yourself?'' I rolled with my eyes

''Not really.''

''I don't want to help you.'' I stated

Kagekao stood in front of me, it instinctively made me stop walking. I had a bad feeling I was about to get into a lot of trouble tonight. Something told me this wasn't going to be a prank or messing with Jeff.

''You see... I don't really have a human appearance. You on the other hand... if you wear a mask to cover up your gash you're fine.''

''So how does that tie into the p-plan?''

''I want you to buy me something.''

''Seriously..? You want me to do grocery s-shopping for you? I don't even think there's a place open at this time.''

''There's a remote gas station that's open 24/7.''

''How do we get there?''

''I'll drive~''


Kagekao giggled. This plan was just straight up weird. Let's see what's the catch.

''So... What do you want me to buy for you?''

''A bottle of wine.''

''No way. They're going to ask for my ID or maybe even call the cops–''

''No they won't. The employee doesn't care enough to check. Besides you look over 18, sorta..? So it'll be fineeee.''

''How are you so sure a-about that?''

''I have a way of knowing~''

''If they do ask, then what?''

''Geez you're asking way too many questions...''

''I wanna know w-what I'm getting into.''

Kagekao sighed.

''You lie of course, or steal.''

''Not doing that.''

''Should I tell Brian and Tim I caught you sneaking out again then?''

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