Chapter 23: Found

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Masky grabbed me by the back of my neck and leaned close. I tried not to react. I didn't want to get into another fight.

''Just so you know, stealing from me doesn't solve anything.'' He hissed

I didn't mind arguing though.

''Those things don't solve your problems either!'' I snapped

Hoodie stepped back into the office having heard us, Kate following behind.

''Cut it out. You two better not bicker on the mission.'' Hoodie warned

He mumbled something else under his breath but it was incoherent. Masky let me go and crossed his arms. I rolled with my eyes. Things are still tense between us. When haven't they? Kate and Hoodie started talking about the mission. Masky was still standing beside me. I didn't really listen to what they were saying.

I zoned out again thinking about Kage. That night of us sleeping together– us doing it– me having sex?!?!??!?? It's all I've been able to think about. I never expected to have sex with anybody, ever, since nobody seemed to like me (enough). This mission was going to suck. My mind was occupied with... Other things. I can't handle an important mission right now. I CAN'T CONCENTRATE– It's stuck in my mind. I knew how sex worked and didn't exactly expect anything in particular. Yet it was totally not how I expected it to go. There's a lot more to doing it than I thought, especially with a guy. I'm just glad Kagekao had more knowledge and experience to make everything go relatively smoothly. I can't focus on the memories or my body will react. It'll be embarrassing. I didn't want to get hard in front of everybody. I'd look insane–


I remembered Kage's moans and felt my heartbeat start to race. The way he talked softly when telling me what to do. His hands on my body. I violently shook my head.

''Toby, pay attention this'll be important.'' Hoodie ordered

I looked up at Hoodie, my eyes darted to Kate and Masky for a second. My hands were clammy. I needed to focus.

There had been signs and sightings of a cult. The Slenderman doesn't want that in his forest. We had to check it out and neutralize targets if possible. If not, report back and come up with a plan. It wasn't out of the ordinary for us to see, find or hear unusual things in the forest. This really is Slenderman's territory after all. After patrolling and missions you get used to it. You'll be able to differentiate related and unrelated things from my faceless boss.

Each of us were equipped with our gear to get rid of the targets plus flashlights. Would've been cool if our Proxy mark could give us night vision, but noooo... Guess the Slenderman is a cheapskate when it comes to advancing abilities of his Proxies. Rouge stayed behind to patrol with two other residents. She prefers to work alone on patrols. Depending on how this mission will go, she might have to get involved.




We arrived at the place the group had been last spotted. It was a long silent walk. I shined my flashlight around. Twigs had been tied into different shapes with twine and hung up in the trees. Red symbols had been painted on the trees. I didn't think it was blood because it was so bright. I walked up to one of the symbols and touched it with my gloved fingers. It was dried up red paint.

There was no sign of anybody. I wonder what we should do now.

''Location noted.'' Hoodie announced

The coordinates had been written down. Now we could find this place easier if need be. Even with my living situation, this place still made me feel uneasy. I was alert. The four of us scanned the area. There were no forest sounds. Only eerie silence. That meant there was danger around. Possibly us, possibly something else. It would've been easier if they were having a ritual so we could ambush them. Now what? For all we know they used this place once and left it here. Or this was all a prank. I never quite understood cults.

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