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(His hairstyle)


I was dancing with my twin Tsireya, and chatting with my brother Aonung in my Marui pod when we heard the horn and saw many clan members running to shore. I turned to Aonung with a confused look.

"What's happening Ao?" I asked, gesturing to the commotion. He shrugged and responded with "Let's go check it out." We ran out of the pod and dived in the water. I call out to my Ilu Lisch, as well as my siblings to theirs. We saddled up and headed towards the cause of such commotion.

Me and my my siblings headed out of the water. I clear my twisted strands out of my face, then put half into a bun. I then looked up and saw forest Na'vi. My face contorted into confusion, what were they doing here. I looked to Reya too see if she knew anything, but she just shrugged in response.

Aonung and Rotxo started making fun of the forest Na'vi and I could see them getting visibly uncomfortable. Me and Tsireya smacked their hands away and scolded them, telling them to stop. I then made eye contact with the forest Na'vi. He's an Alpha. He gave me a small smile, I returned it.

"Hey." he said bluntly. He's cute. I chuckled and looked at the ground. I feel a nudge on my arm, and turned to see my twin smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and ignored her obvious silent laughter.

I noticed one of the forest Na'vi staring at Reya. Hmm, interesting. I look to my sister to see her staring back and smirked playfully at her. She playfully glared at me and pushed me and vice versa.

I heard the flapping of wings and turned to the left to see my parents flying on their tsurak. Me and my siblings stalked behind our parents. Father and the man greeted each other.

"Why do you come to us Jake Sully?" Father asked. I gasped. So this is Toruk Makto.

3rd Person

Lo'ak wasn't happy about leaving home as much as his was. He was very sad, very angry at his father for making them move, but he held his tongue because he knew it would be pointless to say anything.

He and his family had finally land on the island of the reef people. They landed their Ikran and began to walk on the island. Lo'ak was surprise to see such different Na'vi. They were a light blue almost green. He heard a splashing sound. He looked towards the water to see two reef Na'vi, a boy and a girl both Alphas. He greeted them, the girl greeted him back, but the boy just stared at him like he was some kind of anomaly.

Lo'ak heard the sound of an unfamiliar creature. When he looked towards the sound he lost all breath. He saw a very interesting Na'vi, they looked nothing like their clansmen, their skin and hair were white, while their eyes were a beautiful sea-green blue. Lo'ak was starstruck, he tilted his head and watched a the mysterious Na'vi gracefully dived into the water and walked onto shore. A male omega. He's so beautiful.

Then Lo'ak heard two of the reef Na'vi making fun of his family, that made his blood boil. So what if they were different, at the end of the day they're all Na'vi. He watched as the beautiful Na'vi and who he assumed was his sister because of their similarities, scold the two boys. That made him smile at pretty Na'vi, who returned the gesture. He verbally greeted the white Na'vi, albeit bluntly, and was happy to have made the omega laugh.

He felt a nudge on his shoulder and looked to see his older brother Neteyam looking at him quite amused. Lo'ak rolled his eyes and decide to ignore his teasing brother and just look at the omega. He heard his father talking to the chief of the reef Na'vi, but decided to just keep exchanging glances with the omega.

Misheye didn't know what he was feeling at the moment, but all he knew was that he liked it that he had the forest Na'vi's attention. Though the moment was interrupted by his mother.

"These children aren't even true Na'vi!" she yelled. Then she yanked the forest girls hands and held then up. "They have demon blood." She finished. Everyone gasped and hissed Jake seemed to panic.

"Look-Look! I as born with the sky people and now I am Na'vi alright? We cant adapt, we will adapt." he said, trying to convince the Metkayina people. The woman, Neytiti spoke up.

"My husband was Toruk Makto." She said proudly, Jake looked a little uncomfortable. "He lead the clans to victory against the sky people." She finished standing up to Ronal.

"This you call victory? Hiding amongst strangers? It seems Eywa has turned her back on you chosen one." Ronal said, the Neytiri got up in her face and hiss.

Misheye was worried for his mother and the baby, this amount of stress can be good for the baby. He went to go calm his mother, but was stopped by Tonowari.

"Fath-" he started but Tonowari grunted and shook his head, then gestured Misheye to go back to his siblings. He understood Misheye's worry, but this was not the time. Tonowari had a short discussion with Jake, then he looked to his mate, seemingly having a discussion with their eyes. Ronal reluctantly relented.

Tonowari turned to his people, "Toruk Makto and his family will stay here. Treat them as your own brothers and sisters, but they do not know the sea, so they will be like babies. Taking there first breathe, teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless." he ordered.

Jake turn to his family, "Now what do we say." he asked, sending then a 'you better be thankful' look. His family said their thank yous, while the eldest daughter Kiri just rolled her eyes, which made Misheye giggled, much to Lo'ak's enjoyment. Tonowari spoke up.

"Our sons Aonung, Misheye and our daughter, Tsireya will show you what to do." Aonung went to protest, but his father shut him down. The twins went down to the Sully's

"Come! I/Tsireya will show you our village." They said happily in perfect unison. They looked at each other and giggled at each other, missing the looks the oldest and youngest sons threw at them. Aonung rolled his eyes at younger siblings, but couldn't fight the smile creeping on his face. Ronal and Tonowari looked at their youngests with softened eyes, the twins always brought life to the family.


Tsireya picked up some of there stuff and I turned to her. "Are you sure you don't need my help." I asked again. She rolled her eyes at me. Uh rude.

"Yes ye-ye, I'll be fine. Besides you have to prepare the food for cooking and mother will be furious if you miss your duties." She said. I sigh and nod my head knowing she's right. I turned to the Sully's.

"Well I hope you enjoy everything Awa'atlu has to offer. May Eywa guide you on your new journey." I sais. I was about to go when the Sully's youngest son said something. " Hey wait!" I turned to him, staring into his bright yellow eyes. "Yes?" I asked with small smile. He smiled back and said, "What's your name?"

I giggled and replied, "Misheye. And you?" His eyes lit up a little bit and he cleared his throat.


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