Beyond the Reef

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I had just gotten back to the marui pod, and overheard my parents scolding Aonung for his stupidity. I sighed and made my way to my section. I got out my medical stuff, then I proceeded to crush some herbs and pour some oils, I took one of the flowers out of my crown, it helps with swelling and inflammation. After making the healing paste, I set it aside, waiting for Aonung to come. I looked at my reflection in the water, I decide to change my hair again, but something more simple.

My ears perked at the rustling sound, I turned my head towards the noise and saw my older twin coming in, she probably heard out parents scolding Aonung by the look on her face

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My ears perked at the rustling sound, I turned my head towards the noise and saw my older twin coming in, she probably heard out parents scolding Aonung by the look on her face.

"What happened?" Tsireya asked, I sighed. I turned my body towards her, "He and his skxawng friends were picking on Kiri, then Lo'ak and Neteyam stepped in and got in Ao's face. It was tame until Aonung opened his big mouth, which caused Lo'ak to throw the first punch, Neteyam stepped in, and it all escalated from there." I explained to her. She sighed, and rubbed her forehead.

"I swear to Eywa, there's something wrong with alpha men that they just don't know or just don't want to acknowledge." She said, I nodded. "Yes there is sister...yes there is." I said, shaking my head. We spent most of the time talking about how are day was, what we did, and the Sully boys. I turned to Tsireya, "So how is this thing with Neteyam going?" I asked, and she blushed. She took a beep breathe.

"Well. I'm really hoping that he would ask me out soon. I've been sending him hints and signals, that I hope he got. He's just so...damn hot!" She squealed falling back onto my bed. I chuckled at her awestruck expression. She composed herself and looked me, "How about Lo'ak?" She asked, fiddling with a curl. I feel myself getting bashful at the question. I sighed while letting myself fall on the bed next to my twin.

"I really like him Tsireya." I said, looking up with a dreamy expression. "Just something about him makes me and heavy. Not only that, but he makes me feel safe, warm, and taken care of. Plus, I wouldn't mind if he 'took care' of me. If you now what I mean." I had a sly face on as I said this. It took her a while to figure out my words. When she did, she gasped then squealed, "Misheye!" Then hit me with the pillow. "Oh please. Like you haven't imagined Neteyam taking care of you in that way before." I stated a fact, she grew red and hit me with the pillow as I laughed harder.

We talked a little more for a while, our ears perked and we turned towards the sudden noise, it was Aonung. He looked tired, and Reya took that as her que to leave, well not before smacking his head and calling him a skxawng. He made his way over to me and sat down. We were silent through the whole process of cleaning his wounds. After I was done we sat quietly, then he kissed me on the head in silent apology. We stared at each other for a second, I gave him a nod and a small smile assuring him that I accept the apology. He smiled back, though small,but still a smile. He picked me up and out me on the bed, then tucked me in. He looked at me one last time, and left. I smiled, even though he's an ass, he's an amazing brother.

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