Teaching the Sully's

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I had said goodbye to the Sully's, and was now entering my parents Marui pod. I smiled when I saw my parents, it's seems my mother was ignoring my father. I made a small noise, alerting them that I was hear. They both looked at me and their eyes softened.

"Come in my child." My mother said. I smiled and headed towards her.

"Hello mother." I said, planting a kiss on her forehead, then I bent down towards my mother's baby bump and whispered, "Hello little one." Then planting a soft kiss. I was to busy to notice the soft smiles on my parent's faces.

"What do you sense squishy?" I rolled my eyes at the nick name mt mother gave me. My parents told me that when I was a baby all up until I was a kid I had the most squishiest cheeks ever. I hated it when I was younger, but I grew to love it. I looked up to my mother and smiled, "The baby is beautiful mother, strong too. It has the perfect makings of a alpha." I said, standing up. My parents smiled at the news.

"What brings you here, my son?" Father asked. I went over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Nothing much, father. I just need to borrow your fishing nets. I have to go prepare food for cooking." Then I went to go find them. "Don't you have your own." I heard him say. I rolled my eyes at the mention of that. I sighed, "No, Aonung took mine because his got destroyed when he went fishing near the rocks because he and Rotxo claimed they saw a 'nice catch' there." I sigh once again, "Eywa, the strength it took me to not strangle my brother and his skxawng friends." I grumbled then smiled as I found the net.

"Why don't you just spearfish then we don't need that much fish." Mother said. Oh boy, "Well I wanted to give some to the Sully's, as a welcome gift." Mother made 'tch' sound. Father sighed, "Ronal." She just turned away from him, still crossed about having the forest Na'vi stay here. I turned to my mother.

"Oh come on mother, I know change is difficult, but if you open yourself to it you might even be surprised by the outcome." I say as I caress her hands. She still had a stern look on her face. I sighed, "Remember mother, Na'vi help fellow Na'vi. That's Eywa's will, you make not have to like it, but you must at least respect it." She says nothing for a couple minutes, then sighs, "Who taught you to be so wise?" She asked playfully. I giggled softly, "Why you and father of course." Then I turn to leave, not before saying good bye to my parents.

"Stay safe." I heard my father say as I run out the pod.

3rd Person

Misheye had just finished fishing and had gotten quite the haul. Four big fish and six medium fish. He then went to the cove and gotten some seaweed and other vegetation. He had gotten home, and started dinner prep, he got out the what he needed for dinner and left the rest for the Sully's. He started scaling the fish and chopping up veggies. He put the fish to marinate for a couple hours. Misheye then cleaned up, took his stuff, swam to his pod, where he decide to take a bath and put a new hairstyle in. Something similar to his twin.

 Something similar to his twin

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