The Tulkuns

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It was the next morning and Misheye and his family were in their Marui pod, relaxing and eating breakfast. Misheye was talking to Aonung.

"How's training Ao?" He says as he traces a cut Aonung came home with the other day. Aonung swatted his hand away.

"It's fine, with a couple more sessions, I can finally be ready to start iknimaya." Aonung said proudly and excitedly. His family smiled. They were really proud of him. He was improving really well and was top warrior in training.

"You're on your way to being a great Ole'eyktan, my son." Tonowari said fondly. Ronal looked at her son with a proudful smile, "We are proud." she stated. Aonung preened under the attention from his parents, which caused the twins to roll their eyes.

"Still gotta do something about that huge pride and ego of his." Tsireya commented, sarcastically. Aonung glared at his younger sister and hissed at her. The two started arguing. Ronal, Tonowari, and Misheye rolled their eyes. These two never stop.

"Ao, Reya. Stop fighting." Misheye sighed, It's too early in the morning for th-" He stopped his talking as he felt some kind of disturbance. His siblings stopped fighting as they and their parents turned to him in concern.

"What's wrong my child." Tonowari asked warily and worriedly, seeing his youngest son suddenly stop moving. The omega held up his hand in caution, then went to the water and put his hand in it.

He held his hand their for a couple seconds, feeling the currents and the Great Mother's mighty rhythm. He took his hand out and stood up straight, he closed his eyes, allowing Eywa to speak to him.

They're back my child.

He quickly opened his eyes as a huge smile graces the omega's face. Misheye squealed and turned to the family, more so his father.

"Father, alert the people. Our brothers and sisters are back." He said as he ran towards twin. The family let out happy sounds. The Tulkun were back.


The Sully family were just relaxing and keeping a close eye on Kiri. The family were folding rugs when they heard a familiar horn and quickly made their way outside to see what was happening.

"What was that?" Tuk asked her father. The family looked outside their Marui pod and were surprised to see the Metkayina all jovial and jumping in the water.

"What's going on?" Lo'ak questioned, witnessing all the Na'vi celebrating something.

The family looked down and saw the Ole'eyktan's twins on their ilu's. They were announcing something.

"The Tulkun have returned!" Misheye shouted happily.

"Everyone! Our sisters have returned!" Tsireya shouted. Misheye then approached Lo'ak with a giddy smile. "Come. Come!" He says gesturing to his ilu. Lo'ak smiled and hopped on them the two were off.


From the roots of the tree whale-like creatures, Tulkun emerged, ready to meet their brothers and sisters.

Tono wari who was on his tsurak, flew above his spirit brother, calling to him. He raised his spear in greeting.

"In their endless cycle migration, the Tulkum come home."

This caused his brother to flip out of the water, and make noises at him in acknowledgement. Tonowari smiled brightly and made yipping noises towards the tulkun.

The more tulkuns came, the more Metkayina's came and joined them in the waters on their ilu's or tsuraks.


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