The Sky People

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The sky people ship was approaching quickly and Lo'ak was still struggling to pull the tracker out of Payakan. In his peripherals, he sees Neteyam, Tsireya, and Misheye get off there ilu's and swim towards him.

"Quick, guys help me!" He yells, trying to get the tracker to budge. The teens quickly got on top of Payakan's flipper to pull the tracker, but it was barely moving. Neteyam turned to his little brother, "Call dad." He said quickly.

Lo'ak was a little hesitant, but his brother urged, "Just go, do it." Misheye helped him onto Payakan and he pressed onto the comm on his neck, "Dad-I mean Devil Dog," He corrects, "Do you read me?"

Meanwhile was back in the village with Neytiri asking a clan member where their children are. His comm went off and he answered it, "Yes, Lo'ak?" Neytiri look at her husband hearing her son's voice.

"We are with a Tulkun who is under attack, killer ships inbound." Lo'ak explains urgently. Jak and Neytiri shared a look of worry.

"Who's with you." Jake asked his son, then Lo'ak yells, "It's all of us! Aonung, Tsireya, and Misheye too. We're at Three Brothers Rocks." Neytiri covered her mouth, silently praying to Eywa that her children were safe.

"Get to cover and do not engage. Alright?" Jake ordered, sharing a glance with his mate, "You hear me? Do not engage. Were coming."

"Yes, sir." Lo'ak nodded as her turned his head to Misheye, who wrapped his arms around the older. The omega glanced at the direction of the ship.

"Lo'ak." He warned as he sees the ship getting closer towards them. "It's getting closer!"

At the warning, the five of them grab he device, then Neteyam begins to count down, "3, 2, 1 Pull!" He yells as the pull as hard as they could.


Back at the village, Neytiri yipped, divertering Ronal and Tonowari's attention towards her and Jake, along with some Metkayina, "The kids are under attack!" Jake yells.

"The kids are under attack, They're defending a Tulkun. It's your kids too." He quickly explains as he breathes heavily upon arrival.

Ronal hissed and goes to get the weapons as Tonowari asked Jake, "The demon ship?" Jake nodded,

"Yes we gotta go!" Jake yells as he and Neytiri run off to grab their weapons. Tonowari gave out orders, "Weapons! Sound the alarm!" The people listed to Ole'eyktan.

Ronal grabbed her spear, as well as other weapons and stepped forward, but Tonwari stopped her, putting one hand on her stomach and the other on her arm, "You should stay back." He says.

Ronal shook her head with a fierce look in her eyes, "I ride!" The alpha declared before running forward, making Tonowari sigh, then grab his own spear and followed.


Jake was in the families marui, grabbing all his weapons as Neytiri called for her Ikran. A horn blew, alerting the people of the upcoming fight.

The alpha lifted the blanket on his gun, he quickly picked it up and reloaded it. Neytiri was waiting for her Ikran to come, the older beta grabbed her bow and took a deep breath, preparing herself mentally.

They were finished and looked at each other with the same expression. They were going to war again, and they needed to save their children.

War cries and yips can be heard all round as warriors grabbed on to their ilus or tsuraks.

Jake hopped onto his tsurak as Neytiri joined her ikran is the skies.

Almost all of the Metkayina joined in the water, Tonowari, Jake and Ronal at the front lines. From above, Neytiri let out yips to the people. Hearing this, Ronal followed with an aggressive war cry

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